点评内容:总之,这个期刊审稿速度很快,十月底投稿,十一月底返修,返修内容少,让补充的实验是两个molecular docking实验,其他是小问题,因为申报国家一流课程耽误了点时间,直到12月20号返回,1月8日接收。文章的数据量很足,体外实验和动物实验,研究方向是营养活性物质调控血小板功能。ENERGY & FUELS 研究方向:工...
Salinity and Plants: tolerance and management mechanisms Guest editors: Dr. Ravi Gupta, Dr. Vijay Pratap Singh, Dr. Irfan Mohammad, Prof. Sun Tae Kim, Dr. Durgesh Kumar Tripathi Salinity is a major environmental stress that significantly impacts growth and agricultural productivity. High salinity ...
Ei Compendex/Engineering Village (Elsevier); Scopus (Elsevier); WorldCat (OCLC); Google Scholar; ResearchGate; SCImago (SJR); Crossref; Sherpa/RoMEO; Letpub; Elektronische; Genamics JournalSeek; Dimensions; Portico, etc... Latest Articles ...
主页链接:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00223115该期刊不仅对本期刊的范围做了如下的要求说明: The following list describes topics within the scope of the Journal. Fission reactor materials, including fuels, cladding, core structures, pressure vessels, coolant interactions with materials, mo...