Journal of English Linguistics AHCI SSCI PubMed AJ JCR:Q2 中科院2区 发文量 1,460 被引量 3,275 影响因子(2023) 0.735主办单位: SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC 出版地区: United States 出版周期: 季刊国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0075-4242 创刊时间: 1967年 ...
upon female speakers of many of Jarrell's poems 'serve as beards for the homosexual desires of female speakers' (66). The Creeley chapter employs Barthes and (less successfully) Elissa Marder to discuss the use of the photograph in Creeley's elegies for his mother. The chapter's most ...
The International Journal of English Studies (IJES) is a double-blind peer review journal which seeks to reflect the newest research in the general field of English Studies: English Language and Linguistics, Applied English Linguistics, Literature in English and Cultural studies of English-speaking co...
《国际英语研究杂志》(International Journal Of English Studies)是一本以LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Universidad de Murcia出版商该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学术...
Unique in the range and quality of its coverage, it attracts contributions from leading scholars worldwide on the language, literature and culture of the English-speaking world from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present day. The foremost position of English Studies in many of these areas is ...
1362-1688 Language Teaching Research 人文科学2区 1740-357X Journal of Specialised Translation 人文科学2区 1360-6743 English Language & Linguistics 人文科学2区 0167-5133 Journal of Semantics 人文科学2区 0271-8294 TOPICS IN LANGUAGE DISORDERS 医学2区 ...
Journal of French Language Studies AHCI SSCI AJ 中科院3区 JCR:Q3 发文量 1,729 被引量 1,567 影响因子(2023) 0.167主办单位: CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS 出版地区: United Kingdom 出版周期: 年3期 国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0959-2695 创刊时间: 1991年 ...
ASociopragmaticCorpus Publishedby:http://.sagepublicationscanbefoundat:JournalofEnglishLinguisticsAdditionalservicesandinformationfor http://eng.sagepub/cgi/alertsEmailAlerts: http://eng.sagepub/subscriptionsSubscriptions: http://.sagepub/journalsReprints.navReprints: http://.sagepub/journalsPermissions.nav...
《第二语言研究杂志(英文)》(Journal of Second Language Studies)(半年刊),创刊于2018年,由上海交通大学外国语学院主办,与国际知名出版社John Benjamins合作出版。致力于促进二语习得和教学领域的学术交流,推动该领域理论和教学实践的发展;特别重视跨学科研究,致力于传播与心理学、认知科学以及社会文化相结合来探讨第二...
37 ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES 2,383 2.417 Q1 38 Language Testing 2,181 2.400 Q1 39 LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY 2,473 2.392 Q1 40 JOURNAL OF NEUROLINGUISTICS 1,677 2.373 Q1 41 Language Policy 850 2.355 Q1 42 Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 943 2.352 Q1 43 MIND & LANGUAGE 2,...