Theodore S. Brockett (2024)Honeywell International, Inc., USA Katia Lucchesi Cavalca (2024)University of Campinas, Brazil Tae Ho Kim (2024)Kookmin University, South Korea Jean-Jacques Sinou (2026)Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France Damian Vogt (2023)University of Stuttgart, Germany INTERNAL COMBUSTION...
刊名Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 参考译名燃气轮机与动力工程杂志;美国机械工程师学会汇刊 收藏年代1995~2024 全部 199519971998199920002001 200220032004200520062007 200820092010201120122013 201420152016201720182019 20202021202220232024 2017, vol.139, no.12017, vol.139, no.102017, vol.139, no....
The Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power publishes archival-quality papers in the broad technical areas of gas and steam turbines, internal combustion engines, and power generation. It covers the specific technical areas described in the SCOPE section below. Archival papers for this jou...
《燃气轮机与动力工程杂志》期刊论文Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 1982 Volume 104 N4 下载积分: 8000 内容提示: Transactions of the ASME PUBLISHING STAFF Mng. Dir., Publ.,J.J. FREY Director, Technical Publishing, JOS. SANSONE Managing Editor, CORNELIA MONAHAN Production Editor,...
《Asme 的燃气轮机和电力交易工程杂志》(Journal Of Engineering For Gas Turbines And Power-transactions Of The Asme)是一本以工程技术-工程:机械综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)出版商创刊于1984年,刊期Quarterly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦工程...
Journal Of Engineering For Gas Turbines And Power-transactions Of The Asme创刊于1984年,由American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME)出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖工程技术 - 工程:机械全领域,此期刊水平偏中等偏靠后,在所属细分领域中专业影响力一般,过审相对较易,如果您文章质量佳,选择此期刊,发表机率较高。
SCIE期刊 学科领域:ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL The ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power publishes archival-quality papers in the areas of gas and steam turbine technology, nuclear engineering, internal combustion engines, and fossil power generation. It covers a broad spectrum of practic...
The ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power publishes archival-quality papers in the areas of gas and steam turbine technology, nuclear engineering, internal combustion engines, and fossil power generation. It covers a broad spectrum of practical topics of interest to industry. Subject...
The ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power publishes archival-quality papers in the areas of gas and steam turbine technology, nuclear engineering, internal combustion engines, and fossil power generation. It covers a broad spectrum of practical topics of interest to industry. Subject...