1.CEO characteristics and tone at the top inconsistency 机译:首席执行官的特点和基调在顶级不一致 作者:Pu Liu;Hazel T. Nguyen 期刊名称:《Journal of economics and business》 | 2020年第maraaapra期 关键词: Corporate disclosures; Textual analysis; CEO letters; Tone; Executive overconfidence; Execu...
第三档国际期刊(经济学)+FT50(Journal of business ethics除外):American Journal of Agricultural Economics(有师姐发了,羡慕的我唉,可惜不是一个方向,不过真的很牛逼);AEA Papers and Proceedings;Brookings Papers on Economic Activity;Econometric Theory;Economic Theory;European Economic Review;Journal of Applied...
2254-4380 ECON Economics and Business Letters Universidad de Oviedo 1 2306-3459 ECON Economics and Sociology Centre of Sociological Research 1 2160-5890 ECON Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy International Association for Energy Economics 1 1435-8131 ECON Economics of Governance Springer Nature...
1049-0078 Journal of Asian Economics 经济学2区 0735-0015 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS 数学2区 1618-7598 European Journal of Health Economics 医学3区 0921-898X SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS 经济学2区 1752-1378 Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society 经济学2区 1750-6816 Review of...
中国大陆地区是Annals of Economics and Finance发文的首要来源地,中央财经大学、北京大学、中国人民大学、浙江大学、中国社会科学院、复旦大学、武汉大学等高校和科研机构在该刊上的发表记录排在前列。 3Asia Pacific Education Review Asia Pacific Education Review涵盖教育研究的所有领域,以泛亚太背景下的跨文化、比较和...
evaluation, budgeting and forecasting, customer service, sales management, brand management, innovation strategy, business. Research articles, review articles, mini-reviews, case reports, opinions, letters to the editor, and editorials are all accepted in the Iris Journal of Economics & Business ...
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Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing Awarded to Assoc Prof Tihomir Dovramadjiev PhD Eng CERTIFICATE No: SDI/HQ/PR/Cert/66041/TIH Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting (ISSN: 2456-639X). https://www.journalajeba.com/index.php...
近期,我院陕晨煜教授、博士生吕小艺与合作者共同完成的论文“Does traditional debt financing hurt the environment? Evidence from toxic releases”被FT50权威期刊Journal of Business Ethics接受发表。 论文简介 论文题目:Does traditional de...