英文刊名:Journal of Economic Science Research 中文刊名:经济科学研究杂志 ISSN:2630-5240 (Online) 出刊周期:季刊 出版语言:英文刊 收稿刊期:2019年第1期 (以当时情况为准) 出版社名称:新加坡双语出版社 期刊栏目 期刊志旨在通过发表原创文章,案例研究和综合评论来发现经济科学研究的创新方法,理论和研究。该期刊...
Regular supplementary volumes are devoted to topics of central importance to both modern theoretical research and present economic reality. Fields of interest: applied economic theory and its empirical testing. Officially cited as:J Econ Managing Editor ...
期刊名称:Journal of Political Science Research(政治科学研究杂志) 知网更新周期: (知网更新12个月) ISSN: 2616-230X 方向:社会学 周期:3个工作日 录用通知:3个工作日 见刊时间:录用后预计1个月(可下载电子版)10个月左右出刊邮寄 检索类型:知网(外文数据库)出版社:Clausius Scientific Press 方向:国际政治、...
Journal of the Economic Science Association is dedicated to advancing knowledge using experimental economic methods. Promotes research on methods illuminating important economic questions that are difficult to examine using naturally occurring data.
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TheJournal of Economic Theorypublishes original research oneconomic theory. It is the most general-interest journal among those specializing in economic theory. It is also one of nine core journals in all of economics. The Journal strives to respond in four months from receipt of the … ...
为进一步增强《Research》期刊活力,快速提升期刊影响力,培养编委会后备力量,吸引更多学者关注和支持期刊快速发展,助力我国优秀青年学者快速成长,加强学科建设,《Research》自2023年12月1日起启动青年编委招募计划。 01期刊简介 《Research》是中国科协与美国...
The Journal of Economic Growth serves as the principal outlet for research in the fields of economic growth and comparative economic development. The journal ...
Research in Economic Psychology and Behavioral Economics Affiliated with the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology The Journal aims to present research that will improve understanding of behavioral, in particular psychological, aspects of economic decisions and processes. … View full...
摘要:Artificial neural networks have offered their share ofeconometricinsights, given their power to model complex relationships. One area where they have not been readily deployed is the estimation of frontiers. The literature on frontier estimation has seen its share of research comparing and contrast...