2024生信友好期刊 一下不觉又到中秋,影响因子也更新了一段时间。为此,小编为各位佬哥佬姐整理了322本 2024 年生信友好期刊,同时附上。数据来源截止今年7月份前,准不准确大家也可以看后评估,不过仅供参考。 (后台回复关键字可以查看相应期刊更多信息) 实时检索SCI收录状态:https://mjl.clarivate.com/home 为了方便铁...
including the use of topical and systematically administered drugs and other forms of therapy. The Journal of Dermatological Treatment is positioned to give dermatologists cutting edge information on new treatments in all areas of dermatology. It also publishes valuable clinical reviews and theoretical pa...
Journal of Skincare & HairTherapy is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to the advancement in all fields of skin & hair related ailments. CJSH is focusses on the skin care in the range of practices that support skin integrity, enhance its appear
影响因子2.9(2023)scijournal影响因子greensci影响因子 中科院SCI期刊分区 大类学科小类学科Top综述 医学4区DERMATOLOGY 皮肤病学3区否否 CiteScore CiteScore排名CiteScoreSJRSNIP 学科排名百分位6.50.9971.048 Medicine Dermatology14/14290% 补充信息 自引率3.4% ...
刊名BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY详情Iranian Journal of Allergy Asthma and Immunology详情 ISSN 0007-0963 1735-1502 科室 皮肤病学 过敏 研究方向 医学-皮肤病学 医学-过敏 中科院分区 中科院分区:(Q1) 中科院分区:(Q4) JCR分区 暂无数据 暂无数据
《国际皮肤病学杂志》(International Journal Of Dermatology)是一本以医学-皮肤病学综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd出版商创刊于1970年,刊期Monthly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦医学-皮肤病学领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该...
通过对比BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY是什么期刊、期刊大概几天外审影响因子分值、sitescore值、审稿周期、投稿录用率等指标,以图表的形式直观展现BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY是什么期刊、期刊大概几天外审各个指标的对比趋势图,让您一目了然的看到各个期刊的优缺点,快速锁定目标期刊进行投稿,节省投稿周期!
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY INT J DERMATOL 最新影响因子:3.204 期刊ISSN:0011-9059 CiteScore:1.1 出版周期:Monthly 是否OA:YES 出版年份:1970 期刊官方网址:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1365-4632 自引率:7.20% 研究方向:医学-皮肤病学 出版地区:UNITED STATES SCI期刊coverage...
出版信息: 出版语言:English 出版商:Wolters Kluwer Health 评价信息: JCR分区:Q4 影响因子:0.2 CiteScore:0.3 投稿咨询 加急咨询 杂志介绍 JCR分区 CiteScore 投稿经验 杂志介绍 Journal Of The Dermatology Nurses Association杂志介绍 《Journal Of The Dermatology Nurses Association》是一本以English为主的未开放...
The journal publishes information related to skin-pathology and different modes of therapeutics, including dermatosurgery and cosmetic dermatology. Likewise, it carries articles on leprosy, STI and HIV/AIDS. The editorial board encourages the authors to