有一篇关于车辆控制仿真的文章,想发journal of computational science,对这个期刊不是很了解,想问问这个...
学校非要封面作证明,哪位大神有Journal of Information and Computational Science 的期刊封面电子版,...
Inderscience is a global company, a dynamic leading independent journal publisher disseminates the latest research across the broad fields of science, engineering and technology; management, public and business administration; environment, ecological eco
SCI期刊名: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS J COMPUT MATH 我要投此期刊 出版周期: Bimonthly 出版ISSN: 0254-9409 通讯方式: VSP BV, BRILL ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, PO BOX 9000, LEIDEN, NETHERLANDS, 2300 PA 期刊主页网址: 在线投稿网址: 其他相关链接: Science Citation Index Expanded ...
这一领域,排第一位的应该是Journal of Computational Physics,几乎所有CFD领域的数值离散方法的原创性、...
Journal of Engineering Research 分区:中科院四区,JCR:Q4 影响因子:1.0以内 发表形式:正刊,无会议信息体现 检索类型:Article 检索情况:SCI检索正常 语 种:英语 审稿周期:约3个月左右 投稿命中率:90%左右 收录数据库: Science Citation Index Expanded 期刊领域: Journal of Engineering Research (JER) is an ...
primarily of temperate zone. The hydromechanics covers theoretical, experimental and computational hydraulics and fluid mechanics in various fields, two- and multiphase flows, including non-Newtonian flow, and new frontiers in hydraulics. The journal is published quarterly in English. The types of contri...
Journal of Computers 这个刊物是EI源刊吗?刊物怎么样?请问大家
请教个问题,关于Journal of Information and Computational Science的发票的。 论文投稿 投稿求助 第226055页 小木虫 论坛