SCIE期刊 学科领域:PHYSICS, MATHEMATICAL Journal of Computational Physics thoroughly treats the computational aspects of physical problems, presenting techniques for the numerical solution of mathematical equations arising in all areas of physics. The journal seeks to emphasize methods that cross disciplinary...
JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS是物理与天体物理2区SCI期刊,投稿命中率37.5%,平均审稿速度6.5个月左右,IF值4分+,物理方向的学者可以试投。
Journal of Computational Physics has an open access mirror journal Journal of Computational Physics: X, sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review.The Journal of Computational Physics focuses on the computational aspects of physical problems. JCP encourag...
Journal of Computational Physics 153, 223–224 (1999)Article ID jcph.1999.6317, available online at onAbstracts of Papers to AppearI TERATIVE L INEAR S OLVERS IN A 2DR ADIATION –H YDRODYNAMICS C ODE :M ETHODS AND P ERFORMANCE .ChuckBaldwin, ∗ PeterN...
Journal of Computational Physics 155, 221–222 (1999)Article ID jcph.1999.6367, available online at onAbstracts of Papers to AppearAC OMPUTATIONAL M ODEL FOR S USPENDED L ARGE R IGID B ODIES IN 3DU NSTEADY V ISCOUS F LOWS .FengXiao.Computational Science ...
drop in air, using the Euler or the Navier–Stokes equations, are per-formed in order to demonstrate the accuracy and capability of the new method. The com-putational results are compared with experiments and earlier computational studies. Theresults show that the new method can simulate ...
期刊语言:英语 定价:0 地址:ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 525 B ST, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, USA, CA, 92101-4495 期刊邮箱: 投稿网址: 期刊网址: ...
The Journal of Computational Physics(JCP) focuses on the computational aspects of physical problems. JCP encourages original scientific contributions in advanced mathematical and numerical modeling reflecting a combination of concepts, methods and principles which are often interdisciplinary in … ...
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