不再被收录的原因(Reason for discontinuation):期刊Journal of Coastal Research因出版商或期刊层面的出版问题而被标记为 "重新评估"(Publication Concerns)。 4.Journal of Interconnection Networks 《互联网期刊》 官网:https://worldscientific.com/worldscinet/join ISSN:0219-2659 eISSN:1793-6713 出版社:World ...
出版社:Coastal Education & Research Foundation, Inc. 最后收录范围:期刊最后被Scopus数据库收录到2023年发表的第39卷第2期394-400。 不再被收录的原因(Reason for discontinuation):期刊Journal of Coastal Research因出版商或期刊层面的出版问题而被标记为"重新评估"(Publication Concerns)。 4.Journal of Interconne...
13.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 0.618 14. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 4.614 15. Journal of Coastal Research 1.110 16. Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2.791 17. Ecology Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 0.507 18. Journal of Healthcare Engi...
期刊目前仍被SCI数据库和EI数据库收录。 02. Journal of Advanced Zoology 【出版商】Assoc. Advancement Zoology 【ISSN&eISSN】0253-7214 【最后收录范围】期刊最后被Scopus数据库收录到2022年发表的第43卷第1期111-118。 03. Journal of Coastal Research 【出版商】Coastal Education Research Foundation Inc. 【...
Special Issue 103 - Global Topics and New Trends in Coastal Research: Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering meridian.allenpress.com 刊出快.收录快 SCI期刊 专刊版面 Special issue 征集优秀论文,按SCI期刊论文要求审稿,直接推荐至包括并不限于以下SCI期刊发表 Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Sy...
中间退回修改了两次,一次是内容大修,一次是格式和语言润色,然后就推荐给了Journal of Coastal Research...
期刊简称J COASTAL RES 参考译名《海岸研究杂志》 核心类别外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率21.80% 主要研究方向地学-ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES环境科学;GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL自然地理;GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY地球科学综合 JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH《海岸研究杂志》(双月刊)。The Journal of Coastal Research (JCR) covers...
Please provide a structured abstract of 150 to 250 words which should be divided into the following sections: Purpose (stating the main purposes and research question) Methods Results Conclusion For life science journals only (when applicable) ...
Journal of Coastal Research (JCR) invites submissions for its prestigious publications. The journal, renowned for its swift publication and rapid indexing, features articles in areas such as measurement and mapping, geography and geology, hydrology and oceanography, geophysics and geochemistry,...