影响因子:3.6 年发文量:83 临床脂质学杂志SCIE Journal Of Clinical Lipidology ISSN:1933-2874 E-ISSN:1876-4789 是否OA:未开放 出版地区:UNITED STATES 创刊时间:2007 是否预警:否 出版周期:Bimonthly 语言:English 研究方向:医学 - 药学 《临床脂质学杂志》(Journal Of Clinical Lipidology)是一本以医学-药学综...
Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology(3.656)医学肿瘤学期刊 journal of cancer research and clinical oncology,创刊于1979年,是德国癌症学会官方杂志,由Springer出版,发表肿瘤学领域的临床和基础类文章, 主编是来自德国的Klaus Höffken。影响因子稳定在3+,发文量300篇左右,审稿快,1-3个月左右...
International Journal Of Cardiology期刊简介 The International Journal of Cardiology is devoted to cardiology in the broadest sense. Both basic research and clinical papers can be submitted. The journal serves the interest of both practicing clinicians and researchers. ...
Austin Journal of Clinical Cardiology is an open access, Peer Review, Scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles in all areas of Cardiology.
Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine is a monthly publication of the Italian Federation of Cardiology. It publishes original research articles, epidemiological studies, new methodological clinical approaches, case reports, design and goals of clinical trials, review articles, points of view, editorials and ...
该刊最新影响因子为1.9,最新CiteScore 指数为3.3。 英文介绍 World Journal Of Cardiology杂志英文介绍 The World Journal of Cardiology focuses on all areas of cardiovascular disease, including basic scientific research, clinical studies, case reports, review articles, reviews, and guidelines. The goal of ...
该刊是一本国际优秀杂志,在国际上有很高的学术影响力。基本信息: 期刊简称:J CARDIOVASC THORAC 是否OA:开放 是否预警:否 Gold OA文章占比:93.48% 出版信息: 出版地区:Iran, Islamic Republic of 出版语言:English 出版商:Tabriz University of Medical Sciences 评价信息: JCR分区:Q3 影响因子:1.2 CiteScore:2 ...
影响因子(2023)1.307 The International Journal of Cardiology is devoted to cardiology in the broadest sense. Both basic research and clinical papers can be submitted. The journal serves the interest of both practicing clinicians and researchers. In addition to original papers, we are launching a rang...
Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology杂志是一本医学-心血管系统应用杂志。是一本享有盛誉的顶级学术杂志,由Elsevier USA出版,该期刊创刊于1983年,出版周期为Monthly,始终保持着高质量和高水平的学术内容。在中科院分区表2023年12月升级版中,被归类为大类学科分区1区,显示出其卓越的学术水平和影响力。ISSN...