文档标签: journal of cleaner production 系统标签: cleaner production journal precautionary disinfectant household ApplyingtheprecautionaryprincipletoconsumerhouseholdcleaningproductdevelopmentCaraA.M.Bondi*Research&Development,SeventhGeneration,Inc.,60LakeStreet,Burlington,Vermont05401,USAarticleinfoArticlehistory:Receive...
文档标签: journal of cleaner production清洁生产杂志 系统标签: cleaner production degrowth steppacher journal 杂志 Whyarewegrowth-addicted?ThehardwaytowardsdegrowthintheinvolutionarywesterndevelopmentpathPascalvanGriethuysen*DevelopmentUnit,GraduateInstituteofInternationalandDevelopmentStudies,CP136,CH-1211Geneva21...
REACHHealth and environmental indicatorsEconomic performanceSustainable product developmentVOCa b s t r a c tThe objective of the work presented was to provide a paint production company with a tool for strategicdecisions in product development that could combine environmental and economic indicators with...
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TheJournal of Cleaner Productionis an international, transdisciplinary journal focusing on Cleaner Production, Environmental, and Sustainability research and practice. Through our published articles, we aim at helping societies become more sustainable. ...
Assessing the sustainability of a resilient built environment: Research challenges and opportunities Xavier Tanguay, Ben Amor Article 142437 View PDF select article Optimal energy storage system selection for future cost-effective green hydrogen production: Integrating techno-economic, risk-based decision mak...
近日,河北大学刘冠宇老师在Journal of Cleaner Production上发表了题为“Tri-phase interface to enhance the performance of piezoelectric photocatalysis and recyclability of hydrophobic BiOI/BaTiO3 heterojunction”的研究论文(DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.140886),报道了利用疏水性材料油酸钠化学接枝到具备压电光...
journal of cleaner production:清洁生产杂志 下载积分:1500 内容提示: Why are we growth-addicted? The hard way towards degrowthin the involutionary western development pathPascal van Griethuysen *Development Unit, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, CP 136, CH-1211 Geneva 21,...