The Chinese Journal of Physics is published by the Physical Society of Taiwan (TPS) (since 1963). The Chinese Journal of Physics publishes important advances in various branches in physics, including statistical and biophysical physics, condensed matter physics, atomic/molecular physics, optics, par…...
The Chinese Journal of Physics publishes important advances in various branches in physics, including statistical and biophysical physics, condensed matter physics, atomic/molecular physics, optics, particle physics and nuclear physics. The editors welcome manuscripts on: -General Physics: Statistical and ...
TheChinese Journal of Physicsis published by thePhysical Society of Taiwan (TPS)(since 1963). TheChinese Journal of Physicspublishes important advances invarious branches in physics, includingstatisticalandbiophysical physics,condensed matter physics,atomic/molecular physics,optics,par… ...
《Chinese Journal Of Physics》是一本由ELSEVIER出版商出版的专业物理期刊,该刊创刊于1963年,刊期Bimonthly,该刊已被国际权威数据库SCIE、SCI收录。在中科院最新升级版分区表中,该刊分区信息为大类学科:物理 3区,小类学科:物理:综合 3区;在JCR(Journal Citation Reports)分区等级为Q2。该刊发文范围涵盖物理:综合等...
根据近几年的数据,《Chinese Journal of Physics》的影响因子呈现稳步上升的趋势。这主要得益于以下几个方面: 1.期刊内容的优化:近年来,《Chinese Journal of Physics》注重提高稿件质量,加强对稿件的筛选和把关,使得发表在该期刊上的研究成果具有较高的学术价值。 2.稿件来源的多样化:为了提高国际影响力,期刊积极拓展...
CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 是一本专注于物理学领域的学术期刊。收稿范围:包括粒子物理、凝聚态物理、核物理、光学等。 1.期刊基本信息 研究方向: 物理学、粒子物理、凝聚态物理、核物理、光学、物理化学、天体物理等 出版周期:6 issues/year 出版年份:1963 ...
Chinese Journal of Physics (CJP)是中国物理学会主办的国际学术期刊,致力于推动物理学领域的研究和交流。本文将介绍CJP的投稿模板,以帮助作者准确地撰写和提交文章。 正文内容: 1.文章标题和作者信息 1.1标题:文章标题应准确、简明地概括研究内容,避免使用模糊或不具体的词汇。同时,标题应能吸引读者的兴趣,激发对文章...
Chinese journal of physics vol. 42, no. 5 october 2004Nano, NationalLaboratories, DeviceIntroduction, I