Journal of Chinese Linguistics and its monograph series, Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series (JCLMS), are two peer reviewed academic journals mainly in English. JCL is published bi-annually and JCLMS is currently published on an ad hoc basis, with a singular theme for each volume. ...
《汉语语言学杂志》(Journal Of Chinese Linguistics)是一本以Multiple综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Project on Linguistic Analysis出版商创刊于1973年,刊期2 issues/year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE、SSCI收录。期刊聚焦Multiple领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行...
Journal Of Chinese Linguistics创刊于1973年,由Project on Linguistic Analysis出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖Multiple全领域,此刊是中等级别的SCI期刊,所以过审相对来讲不是特别难,但是该刊专业认可度不错,仍然是一本值得选择的SCI期刊 。平均审稿速度 ,影响因子指数0.2,该期刊近期没有被列入国际期刊预警名单,广大学者值得一...
地址:JOURNAL CHINESE LINGUISTICS , CHINESE UNIV HONG KONG, SHATIN, NEW TERRITORIES, PEOPLES R CHINA, HONG KONG, 00000 期刊邮箱: 投稿网址: 期刊网址: 出版商网址:Journal of Chinese Linguistics《中国语言学报》(官网投稿)的期刊点评返...
International Journal of Chinese Linguistics is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal aims to publish high-quality scientific studies of Chinese linguistics and languages (including their dialects). With this aim, the journal serves as a forum for scholars and students in the world who study all ar...
《国际汉语语言学杂志》(International Journal Of Chinese Linguistics)是一本以LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由John Benjamins Publishing Company出版商刊期2 issues/year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究...
Journal of Chinese Linguistics (JCL) is an academic journal, which comprises research content from both general linguistics and Chinese linguistics. It is edited by a distinguished editorial board of international expertise. There are two publications: Journal of Chinese Linguistics (JCL) and Journal ...
International Journal Of Chinese Linguistics由John Benjamins Publishing Company出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS全领域,此期刊水平偏中等偏靠后,在所属细分领域中专业影响力一般,过审相对较易,如果您文章质量佳,选择此期刊,发表机率较高。平均审稿速度 ,影响因子指数0.1,该期刊近期没有被列入国际期刊预警...
《国际汉语语言学杂志》(International Journal Of Chinese Linguistics)是一本由John Benjamins Publishing Company出版的以LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS为研究特色的国际期刊,发表该领域相关的原创研究文章、评论文章和综述文章,及时报道该领域相关理论、实践和应用学科的最新发现,旨在促进该学科领域科学信息的快速交流。该期刊是一...
Journal of Chinese Linguistics豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:Journal of Chinese Linguistics (JCL) 《中国语言学报》is an academic journal, which comprises research content from both general linguistics and Chinese linguistics. It is edited by a distinguished edi