More specifically, it aims: - to provide a forum for exchange of information and ideas among people in academic, business and government professions who are interested in the Chinese economy. - to foster and enhance research activities that advance knowledge in transition economies. - to discuss ...
As an academic journal dedicated to the study of Chinese economy and foreign trade, the Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies provides an important platform for communication between academia and practice. Its published papers cover a wide range of topics and have high academic value...
The purpose of this study is to achieve a comprehensive understanding of how the intricate interconnections between oil price fluctuations, supply chain disruptions and shifting demand patterns collectively shape inflation dynamics within the Chinese economy, especially during critical periods such as the Co...
《中国经济与商务研究杂志》(Journal Of Chinese Economic And Business Studies)是一本以ECONOMICS综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Taylor & Francis出版商该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦ECONOMICS领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学术交流的信息窗口...
The Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies (JCEFTS) negotiates China's unique position within the international economy, and its interaction across the globe. From a truly international perspective, the journal publishes both qualitative and quantitative research in all areas of Chinese...
本文所指的金融学国际顶级刊物主要是:《Journal of Finance》、《Review of Financial Studies》、《Journal of Financial Economics》。 经济学国际顶级刊物主要是:《American Economic Review》、《Econometrica》、《Journal of Political Economy》、《Quarterly Journal of Economics》、《Review of Economic Studies》、...
本文所指的金融学国际顶级刊物主要是:《Journal of Finance》、《Review of Financial Studies》、《Journal of Financial Economics》。 经济学国际顶级刊物主要是:《American Economic Review》、《Econometrica》、《Journal of Political Economy》、《Quarterly Journal of Economics》、《Review of Economic Studies》、...
本期《刊·见》内容,我们为诸位带来Q1区文化研究与经济学期刊:Journal of Cultural Economy。除了介绍期刊内详细内容外,我们还罗列了近三年高被引文章以及近一年高阅读文章。 腾讯电竞产业在中国的伞状平台 支付宝的“蚂蚁信用支付”遇见中国的工厂工人:网络借贷的去人性化和重新个性化 ...
promote a scientific research paradigm that combines qualitative and quantitative research, reveal the operating laws of the Chinese economy and the world economy in the world which is undergoing changes unseen in a century, provide theoretical guidance and methodological support for solving important real...
The official journal ofThe Chinese Economists Society TheChina Economic Reviewpublishes original research works on theeconomyofChina, and its relation to the world economy. We seek, in particular, quantitative and analytical papers dealing with institutional change, policy and performance of … ...