The Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering is the official journal of the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China and published by the Chemical Industry Press. The aim of the journal is to develop the international exchange of scientific and technical information in the field of chemica…...
JournalofChemicalTechnologyandBiotechnology 系统标签: biotechnologychemicaljournaltechnologyissuetocpermissions JournalofChemicalTechnologyandBiotechnology©2012SocietyofChemicalIndustryOctober2011Volume86,Issue10Pages1233–13481.Perspectives1.Topofpage2.Perspectives3.Reviews4.ResearchArticles1.BDDanodicoxidationastertiarywa...
《Journal Of Chemical Technology And Biotechnology》是一本专注于BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY领域的English学术期刊,创刊于1986年,由John Wiley and Sons Ltd出版商出版,出版周期Monthly。该刊发文范围涵盖BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY等领域,旨在及时、准确、全面地报道国内外BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBI...
If a case of plagiarism occurs in Chemical Technology: An Indian Journal, a determination of misconduct will lead the Chemical Technology: An Indian Journal to exclude the article from the submission process or, if the article was already published, to exclude from the publication, and the author...
Abstract ( 128 ) HTML ( 5 ) PDF (3935KB) ( 59 ) Supporting Information Selective photocatalytic aerobic oxidation of methane to value-added chemicals offers a promising pathway for sustainable chemical industry, yet remains a huge challenge owing to the consecutive overoxidation of primary product...
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering Volume 33 Pages 1-344 (May 2021) Download full issue Actions for selected articles Select all/Deselect all Download PDFs Export citations Show all article previewsShow all article previews Receive an update when the latest issues in this journal are published...
F/3118 DepartmentofChemicalEngineering BangladeshUniversityofEngineeringand Technology Dhaka–1000,Bangladesh Editorialboard Engr.MohammadMohsinAli,F/1525 Vice-President(AcademicandInternational),IEB Chairman Prof.Dr.Engr.DilAfrozaBegum,F/3522 Chairman,ChemicalEngineeringDivisionalCommittee,IEB Vicechairman Engr....
the SiO2 carrier using surface molecular imprinting technology, after which the initial SiO2 carrier was etched and removed using sacrificial-carrier-etching technology, with the dosage and coating time of the dopamine imprinting layer adjusted to regulate the morphology of the prepared imprinted material...
However, the highly reactive nature of metallic lithium and its direct contact with the electrolyte could lead to severe chemical reactions, leading to the continuous consumption of the electrolyte and a reduction in the cycle life and Coulombic efficiency. In addition, the solid electrolyte interface...
Thokozani Majozi School of Chemical & Materials/Metallurgical Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,South Africa,B C Meikap Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India,Iqbal Mujtaba School of Engineering, University of Bradford, Bradford, ...