The Journal of Biological Chemistry welcomes high-quality science that seeks to elucidate the molecular and cellular basis of biological processes. Papers published in JBC can therefore fall under the umbrellas of not only biological chemistry, chemical biology, or biochemistry, but also allied disciplin...
The chart below presents the interquartile range (first quartile 25%, median 50% and third quartile 75%) of the number of citations of articles over time. Top authors and change over time The top authors publishing in Journal of Biological Chemistry (based on the number of pu...
2023年6月28日,科睿唯安发布2023年度《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称 JCR)。最新SCI影响因子(2022JCR)海洋领域期刊名单出炉! JIF Quartile为Q3及以上的海洋领域期刊名单如下(注:以JIF自高到低排序): 注:如有遗漏,敬请留言提醒。返回搜狐,查看更多...
Journal name Total Citations 2021 JIF JIF Quartile 2021 JCI REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 13,805 13.551 Q1 5.58 COMPUTERS & EDUCATION 25,968 11.182 Q1 3.75 Educational Research Review 4,820 10.207 Q1 2.64 Internet and Higher Education 5,088 8.591 Q1 5.34 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST 8,108 8.209 Q1...
2023年6月28日,科睿唯安发布2023年度《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称 JCR)。最新SCI影响因子(2022JCR)海洋领域期刊名单出炉! JIF Quartile为Q3及以上的海洋领域期刊名单如下(注:以JIF自高到低排序): Journal name2022JIFJIF QuartileAnnual Review of Marine Science 17.3 Q1 Limnology and Oceanograph...
B is a valuable resource for researchers seeking to stay at the forefront of materials chemistry research with a focus on biological and medical applications. Note: This is a fictional article to demonstrate the format and content for the given topic. The specific JCR impact factor and quartile ...
screening dataUtilization of vesicles in pharmacology, immunology, or genetic therapyThe journal's impact factor is currently placed in the Q1 quartile for cell biology and is classified in the 2nd quartile of the medical and cell biology categories by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. ...
Overexpression pattern, function, and clinical value of proteasome 26S subunit non-ATPase 6 in hepatocellular carcinoma Sheng-Sheng Zhou, Yu-Ping Ye, Yi Chen, Da-Tong Zeng, Guang-Cai Zheng, Rong-Quan He, Bang-Teng Chi, Lei Wang, Qian Lin, Qin-Yan Su, Yi-Wu Dang, Gang Chen, Jia-Lian...
Prognostic roles of the prognostic nutritional index in patients with resectable and advanced biliary tract cancers Di Zeng, Ning-Yuan Wen, Yao-Qun Wang, Nan-Sheng Cheng, Bei Li World J Gastroenterol31(6):97697.Published online Feb 14, 2025.doi: 10.3748/wjg.v31.i6.97697 ...
The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest ...