If there are no interests to declare, please choose the first option in the template. More information Declaration of generative AI in scientific writing The below guidance only refers to the writing process, and not to the use of AI tools to analyse and draw insights from data as part of ...
**and the homepage of JTAP is :https://oiccpress.com/journal-of-theoretical-and-applied-physics/ Reply SSARIA Bochra 6 months ago Dear Sir,Could you please provide the manuscript template ?Best regards MMelanie Ortiz 10 months ago Dear Davoud, thank you for contacting us. We will proceed...
Journal of Computational Information Systems投稿可用Word吗?谢谢
Template for Ethical and Legal Declarations Word_Manuscript_Template Topics Electrical Engineering Electromagnetism, Optics and Photonics Engineering Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Physics Signal Processing Technical and Applied Physics External Links ...
The Journal of Applied Geophysics with its key objective of responding to pertinent and timely needs, places particular emphasis on methodological developments and innovative applications of geophysical techniques for addressing environmental, engineering, and hydrological problems. Related topical research in ...
and Advisory Board (CSAB). Scopus is in the process of indexing articles published in this journal since 2019. SUBMIT NOW TEMPLATE MS WordLaTeX HOW TO SUBMIT HOW TO REGISTER E-mail: ijaas.iaes@gmail.com ijaas@iaescore.com Support Contact ...
Starting on Jan 1, 2020, a 12-page limit including references and bio (double column pages as per the journal format, see examples here, LaTeX template below, Word template below) will be applied to all manuscript submissions. It should be noted that manuscripts not abiding by this page lim...
Journal of Materiomics 入选首批中国科技期刊卓越行动计划(2020年度评估为优秀),被SCI和Scopus收录,影响因子9.4(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary;Physics,Applied;Chemistry,Physical均位于Q1分区),Citescore为12.7,2022年中科院分区1区!JMAT 诚挚欢迎您的投稿!投稿顶刊且已有审阅意见的文章转投JMAT,可以享受快速审稿和...
The results indicate that the significant impact of pressure on impedance at low temperatures results from the diffusion-controlled step, enhancing kinetics when external pressure, like 180 to 240 kPa at 10 °C, is applied. The diversity in control steps for the electrochemical reaction accounts ...
of physics, mechanics, applied mathematics, statistics, applied geometry, computer science, chemistry and other scientific disciplines as well: the Journal's editors seek to emphasize methods that cross disciplinary boundaries. JCP also encourages the submission of papers that develop innovative methods ...