Journal Of Applied Meteorology And Climatology 国际标准简称:J APPL METEOROL CLIM 人气1300 《Journal Of Applied Meteorology And Climatology》是一本专注于METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES领域的English学术期刊,创刊于2006年,由American Meteorological Society出版商出版,出版周期Monthly。该刊发文范围涵盖METEOROLOGY ...
1、常用气象期刊刊名缩写 Meteorological Journal abbreviationsAmerican Scientist Amer SciAnnual Review of Fluid Mechanics Annu Rev Fluid MechApplied Optics Appl OptAtmosphereOcean Atmos OceanAtmospheric Environment Atmos EnvironAtmospheric Research Atmos Res Australian Journal of Agricultural Research Aust J Agric...
《应用气象与气候学杂志》(Journal Of Applied Meteorology And Climatology)是一本以地学-气象与大气科学综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由American Meteorological Society出版商创刊于2006年,刊期Monthly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦地学-气象与大气科学领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的...
quarterly journal into bimonthly journal from the first issue of 2002.Quarterly Journal of Applied Meteorology is a high-level academic journal sponsored jointly by the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science, the National Meteorological Center, and the National Satellite Meteorological Center, published...
and applied meteorological numerical models. Examples of climatological research include the use of climate information in impact assessments, dynamical and statistical downscaling, seasonal climate forecast applications and verification, climate risk and vulnerability, development of climate monitoring tools, and...
Journal of Meteorological Researchpublishes research that advances observation, modeling, and forecasting/prediction of weather and climate, as well as related topics in earth system sciences. Covers both basic and applied dynamics, physics, and chemistry of the atmosphere and its interfaces. ...
《Journal of Meteorological Research》(《气象学报》(英文版))(双月刊)创刊于1987年,是中国气象学会主办、中国科协主管的全国性大气科学学术性期刊. 《Journal of Meteorological Research》旨在对外反映我国大气科学领域中新科研成果,为大气科学研究提供学术交流阵地,推动我国大气科学基础研究和理论研究迅速发展,服务于我国...
WOS即Web of Science,是全球获取学术信息的重要数据库,Web of Science包括自然科学、社会科学、艺术与人文领域的信息,来自全世界近9,000种最负盛名的高影响力研究期刊及12,000多种学术会议多学科内容。给期刊分区时会按照某一个学科领域划分,根据这一学科所有按照影响因子数值降序排名,然后平均分成4等份,期刊影响因子...
夜间灯光来自于美国国防气象卫星(Defense Meteorological Satellite Program,DMSP)搭载的业务型线扫描传感器(Operational Linescan System,OLS),铁铁路线路矢量图层基于哈佛大学Center of Geographic Analysis、《中国铁道年鉴》、高德地图、Landsat 系...
应用气象学报Journal of Applied Meteorological Science J Appl Meteor Sci(in Chinese) 气象科技Meteorological Science and Technology Meteor Sci Technol. 气象Meteorological Monthly Meteor Mon 气候变化研究进展Advances in Climate Change Research Adv Climate Change Res(in Chinese) 气候变化研究进展(英 文版) Adva...