通过对比JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY拒稿速度、期刊大概几天外审影响因子分值、sitescore值、审稿周期、投稿录用率等指标,以图表的形式直观展现JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY拒稿速度、期刊大概几天外审各个指标的对比趋势图,让您一目了然的看到各个期刊的优缺点,快速锁定目标期刊进行投稿,节省投稿周期!
The Journal of Applied Gerontology features articles that focus on research applications intended to improve the health and quality of life of older persons or to enhance our understanding of age-related issues that will eventually lead to such outcomes. We construe application to include original ...
JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY 影响指数:2.513 期刊ISSN:0733-4648年文章数:68国人占比:0.04 自引率:版面费:US$4000审稿周期:是否OA:否 JCR分区:Q3中科院分区:Q3出版国家/地区:是否预警:不在预警名单内 相关指数 影响因子 影响因子 年发文量 自引率
Journal Of Applied Gerontology 期刊简称 Print ISSN 0733-4648 Online ISSN 1552-4523 期刊出版社 是否开放获取 Open Access,OA 否 官网地址 期刊所属领域 期刊简介 JCR分区索引信息2021年数据 是否是SCIE(SCI) 注:SCI已经完全被SCIE取代,参考:SCI被取代 ...
Journal of Applied GerontologySSCIPubMedAJ中科院3区JCR:Q2 发文量2,620 被引量26,939 影响因子(2023)2.811 主办单位:SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC 出版地区:United States 出版周期:月刊 国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN0733-4648 创刊时间:1982年 收录汇总栏目浏览期刊详情 ...
Journal of Applied Gerontology is the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.&...[显示全部] 给编辑部投稿--> 官网投稿 收藏本刊 报刊点评 咨询编辑部 纠错、补充 认证信息 广告 征稿信息 万维提示: 1、投稿方式:在线投稿。 2、期刊网址:https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jag 3...
JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY影响因子(IF)2.645属于口腔医学SSCI(Q3)区适宜医学、生物、农林科学学者发表,JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY审稿周期,历年影响因子分析、投稿官网地址等信息请点击杂志详情页查询。
期刊名称:《Journal of applied gerontology: the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society》 | 2023年第9期 关键词: sexual minorities; stereotype threat; HIV; older adults; gay men; 3.The Association of Cognitive Impairment With Depressive Symptoms, Function, and Pain in Hospitalized ...
The Journal of Applied Gerontology features articles that focus on research applications intended to improve the health and quality of life of older persons or to enhance our understanding of age-related issues that will eventually lead to such outcomes. We construe application to include original ...