0047-2727 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS 经济学1区 0304-405X JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICS 经济学1区 期刊小类:经济学,2区 (以下为ISSN,期刊名称,以及其大类分区) 1356-3467NEW POLITICAL ECONOMY经济学2区 0301-4215ENERGY POLICY经济学2区 1572-3089 Journal of Financial Stability 经济学2区 0378-4266 JO...
研究成果发表于Journal of Econometrics、Econometrics Journal、Japan and the World Economy、Economics Letters、Journal of Applied Statistics、Economic Modelling、Applied Economics、Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy、Empirical Economics等国际...
顶尖期刊(5)A+American Economic ReviewEconometricaJournal of Political EconomyQuarterly Journal of EconomicsReview of Economic Studies一流期刊(12)AEconomic JournalGames and Economic BehaviorInternational Economic ReviewJournal of EconometricsJournal of Economic TheoryJournal of Finance Journal of Labor EconomicsJ...
1、Biomedicine (India) 2、Journal of Law and Sustainable Development 2月剔除 1、International Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology (London) 2、Kurdish Studies 3、Migration letters 4、Stochastic Modelling and Computational Sciences 5、Traitement du Signal 3月剔除 1、Arhiv za Farmaciju 2、Bali...
一下不觉又到中秋,影响因子也更新了一段时间。为此,小编为各位佬哥佬姐整理了322本 2024 年生信友好期刊,同时附上。数据来源截止今年7月份前,准不准确大家也可以看后评估,不过仅供参考。 (后台回复关键字可以查看相应期刊更多信息) 实时检索SCI收录状态:https://mjl.clarivate.com/home ...
336 ECON Applied Economics Letters 1 337 ECON Applied Health Economics and Heath Policy 1 338 ECON Aquaculture, Economics and Management 1 339 ECON Asian Economic Journal 1 340 ECON Asian Economic Papers 1 341 ECON Atlantic Economic Journal 1 342 ECON Australian Economic Papers 1 343 ECON Australi...
Economics BulletinUSA74%similarity9 Applied Economics LettersGBR73%similarity10 Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market EconomiesGBR71%similarity11 Journal of Financial Economic PolicyGBR71%similarity12 Empirical EconomicsDEU68%similarity13 Journal of Economic SurveysGBR68%similarity14 International Journal ...
1466-4291 ECON Applied Economics Letters Taylor & Francis 1 1467-8381 ECON Asian Economic Journal Wiley-Blackwell 1 1536-0083 ECON Asian Economic Papers MIT Press 1 0197-4254 ECON Atlantic Economic Journal Springer Nature 1 1467-8454 ECON Australian Economic Papers Wiley-Blackwell 1 1467-8462 ECON...
逢投必中,巨好发的经济学SSCI|||大家好呀,今天给大家推荐的是4本巨巨巨好发的经济学SSCI . Economic Analysis and Policy 该刊质量在线!比较新的期刊,录用率近80%!冷门小众偏经济学方向! . Appl - 风雨中紧抱自由于20240603发布在抖音,已经收获了106个喜欢,来抖音,记
内容提示: 638American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 2014, 104(5): 638–644http://dx.doi.org/10.1257/aer.104.5.638The American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (AEJ Applied) was launched by the American Economic Association in July 2007. As shown in Table 1, the number of first...