JCR影响因子是依托SCIE和SSCI数据库为统计源计算得出的结果,以年为单位进行计算;且只有被Web of Science核心合集收录达3年的期刊才会有JCR影响因子。 JCR自1975年以来每年定期发布,目前可查询的最新数据为2020年影响因子(2020 Impact Factor)。查询方法如下: 1 乌利希国际期刊指南 ➡️ 期刊官网 https://ulrichswe...
Journal Impact Factor(JIF): Defined as “a measure of the frequency with which the ‘average article’ in a journal has cited in a particular year or period.” The annual JCR impact factor is a ratio between citations and recent citable items published. Thus, the impact factor of a journ...
PhD Help Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated as PhD, Ph.D., D.Phil., or DPhil in English-speaking countries and originally as Dr.Philos. or Dr.Phil. (for the Latin philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae), is in many... Read More......
Research Journal Impact Factor (RJIF)provides quantitative and qualitative tool for ranking, evaluating and categorizing the journals for academic evaluation and excellence. This factor is used for evaluating the prestige of journals. The evaluation is carried out by considering the factors like peer re...
The Journal Citation Reports ranks the Stata Journal consistently in the top 20 among journals in the Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods category in terms of citations, impact factor, and five-year impact factor. The Stata Journal has a two-year impact factor of 3.2. The Stata Journal is ...
YearImpact Factor (IF)Total ArticlesTotal Cites 2023 (2024 update)1.9-- 20222.9-3716 20213.494-3975 20202.414763398 20192.394792879 20182.456752880 20172.132672619 20162.429682173 20151.662471739 20141.772231772 20131.864451521 20122.434341447 20112.198321301 20101.391441094 ...
Impact Factors are used to measure the importance of a journal by calculating the number of times selected articles are cited within a particular year. Hence, the higher the number of citations or articles coming from a particular journal, or impact factor, the higher it is ranked. IF is al...
1.期刊影响系数(Journal Impact Factor):目的在计算某一期刊前两年(五年)所发表之论文的论文在当年间被引用的比率。 … dorise.sec.ntnu.edu.tw|基于8个网页 3. 期刊影响指数 期刊影响指数(Journal Impact Factor)从1975年以来,Thomson Reuters集团出版的。
Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites 2023 (2024 update) 13.3 6956 379191 2022 15.1 - 330617 2021 16.744 - 268318 2020 13.273 3718 180395 2019 10.652 2508 129806 2018 8.355 2148 95055 2017 6.735 1944 73657 2016 6.216 1632 60192 2015 5.310 1464 45630 2014 4.321 1255 34076 2013...