期刊简称J FLOOD RISK MANAG 参考译名《洪水风险管理杂志》 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向环境科学与生态学-WATER RESOURCES水资源;ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES环境科学 Journal of Flood Risk Management《洪水风险管理杂志》(季刊). Journal of Flo...
Journal of Flood Risk Management provides an international platform for knowledge sharing in all areas related to flood risk. Its explicit aim is to disseminate ideas across the range of disciplines where flood related research is carried out and it provides content ranging from leading edge academic...
The Journal of Flood Risk Management takes an interdisciplinary approach to the problems of flooding. Thus flooding is seen as not merely a physical phenomenon but one that incorporates the people and organizations that influence or are subject to flooding and its impacts. By the same token, the...
Journal Of Flood Risk Management创刊于2008年,由Blackwell Publishing出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES - WATER RESOURCES全领域,此刊是中等级别的SCI期刊,所以过审相对来讲不是特别难,但是该刊专业认可度不错,仍然是一本值得选择的SCI期刊 。平均审稿速度 12周,或约稿 ,影响因子指数3,该期刊近期没有被...
They share an interest in managing the complex interactions between the many skills and disciplines that underpin the management of flood risk across the world. 《洪水风险管理杂志》为与洪水风险相关的所有领域的知识共享提供了一个国际平台。其明确目标是在开展洪水相关研究的各个学科中传播思想,并提供从前沿...
期刊名称Journal of Flood Risk Management J FLOOD RISK MANAG 期刊ISSN1753-318X 期刊官方网站https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/1753318x 是否OAYes 出版商Blackwell Publishing 出版周期 文章处理费登录后查看 始发年份2008 年文章数74 影响因子3.0(2023)scijournal影响因子greensci影响因子 ...
投稿地址:mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jfrm 编辑部地址: 录用难度:容易 统计分析 影响因子:指该期刊近两年文献的平均被引用率,即该期刊前两年论文在评价当年每篇论文被引用的平均次数 Created with Highcharts 10.0.0年份Journal of Flood Risk Management近年影响因子Journal of Flood Risk Management近年影响因子201420152016...
Journal of Flood Risk Management SCIE 洪水风险管理杂志 ISSN:1753-318X 研究方向:环境科学与生态学 是否OA:No 国际简称:J FLOOD RISK MANAG 创刊时间:2008 年发文量:44 出版地:ENGLAND 官网:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1753-318X...
6、Journal of Flood Risk Management 中科院三区,最新影响因子:4.1 《洪水风险管理杂志》为洪水风险相关领域的知识共享提供了一个国际平台。它的明确目标是在开展洪水相关研究的学科范围内传播思想,并提供从前沿学术论文到实践者应用内容的内容。 学术咨询
影响指数:3.805 期刊ISSN:1753-318X年文章数:44国人占比:0.06 自引率:2.80%版面费:US$2700审稿周期:是否OA:否 JCR分区:Q2中科院分区:Q2出版国家/地区:ENGLAND是否预警:不在预警名单内 相关指数 影响因子 影响因子 年发文量 自引率 Cite Score Created with Highcharts 11.0.0Values2015-20162016-20172017-2018201...