各位虫友,Journal of Alloys and Compounds"的Prime Novelty Statement 如何写?请指教,我写了,编辑...
aA 100 word (maximum) "statement of novelty" explaining why the work should be published in Journal of Hazardous Materials must be provided as a separate document upon submission of your manuscript.The "statement of novelty" must not be a retelling of the abstract. When preparing the statement...
小木虫,学术科研互动社区,为中国学术科研免费提供动力 违规贴举报删除请发送邮件至:xiaomuchong@tal.com 广告投放与宣传请联系 李想 QQ:64901448 微信:18510626021 邮箱:64901448@qq.comCopyright © 2001-2025 MuChong.com, All Rights Reserved. 小木虫 版权所有 京...
·Avoid self-promotion and unnecessary claims of novelty (e.g., “we provide the first evidence” or “we are the first to show”. All studies present new findings, so such claims are not necessary. Instead, explain to the reader how the study contributes new understanding of a question ...
Especially the phase 3 clinical trials must be registered at or before the time of first patient enrollment. The name of the registry and the registration number together with the information of funding source should be provided at the end of the abstract. Authors should also refer to the ...
Quick review and publication times: Average of two weeks from submission to first decision and one week from acceptance to online publication Three months free online access to your paper Format-free submission (see III. Form and Style of Manuscript below) Fields On submission of a paper, author...
各位虫友,Journal of Alloys and Compounds"的Prime Novelty Statement 如何写?请指教,我写了,编辑...