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Calls for papers Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development IX Guest editors: Marco Sebastiani, Edoardo Rossi This Joint Virtual Special Issue at Materials & Design and Materials Science & Engineering A brings together the research community working in the field of experimental mechanics...
近日,中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所农业新污染物与环境健康风险防控研究团队,量化了极端降雨事件下侵蚀驱动的泥沙来源及其微塑料的输出负荷,首次揭示了土地管理政策转型背景下集约化农业小流域土壤微塑料的“源-汇”关系。相关研究成果发表在《危险材料杂志(Journal of Hazardous Materials)》上。集约化农业...
Functional Materials for Thermal Energy Conversion, Storage, and Recovery Guest editors: Ronggui Yang, Xin Qian, Meng Lin, Chunlei Wan This special issue is related to the 1st World Energy Materials Conference (25-27 November 2023, Shenzhen, China) . Submission deadline: 15 March 2025 View al...
Novel materials and techniques for photocatalytic water splitting developed by Professor Kazunari Domen 堂免一成教授的光催化人生: 光催化分解水的新型材料和技术手段 吴亚强, 李佳诺, 钟伟健, 潘振华*, 王谦* 在全球能源危机和环境污染...
From January 1, 2025,Materials Today Sustainabilitywill become a full gold open access journal freely available for everyone to access and read. All articles submitted afterSeptember 1, 2024, are subject to an article publishing charge (APC) after peer review and acceptance.Learn more about hybrid...
TheJournal of Materials Processing Technologycovers the processing techniques used in manufacturing components from metals and other materials. The journal aims to publish full research papers of original, significant and rigorous work and so to … ...
Embedding sensors in rail pads allows for direct monitoring of train–track interaction, which is essential for preventive maintenance and sustainable management of railway infrastructure. Nonetheless, given the critical role that rail pads play in enhancing railway track performance and durability, it is...