Sirine Ahmad, Mohammed Alsaeed 2025 View PDF Read latest issue More from IDCases 27 May 2021 Journal Editorial Board Members recruitment 7 December 2015 Volunteer for review - IDCases More opportunities to publish your research: Browse open Calls for Papers...
doi:10.52010/ijom.2021.47.1.1PUBLISHINGHEALTH services administrationSERIAL publicationsCOLLEGE teachersEXECUTIVESEMPLOYEE recruitmentMEMBERSHIPGOAL (Psychology)MEDICAL specialties & specialistsSolomon, Nancy PearlInternational Journal of Orofacial Myology & Myofunctional Therapy...
Editorial Board Members Higher Education Researchmaintains an Editorial Team of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study. Prof. Christina Nygren-Landgärds ...
Employee recruitment, selection, and assessment has been and remains one of the most important areas of research in work and organizational psychology and an important human resource management practise. Research and practice in the field has developed substantially in the past century (Ryan & Ployhar...
Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Prior to her role at National Journal, Katie interned at Sixth Street on their Human Capital Management team, where she supported their Early Career Recruitment initiatives. She is originally from Naperville, Illinois and currently resides in Silver Spring, Maryland....
contact information, study details, ethical review, medical condition, interventions, inclusion/exclusion criteria, study type, start date, target sample size, recruitment status, and primary and secondary outcomes. Registry name, ID number, and URL must be included in the manuscript and/or entered ...
Recruitment of New Editor-in-Chief The Journal of Cardiovascular Aging is seeking applications for the Editor-in-Chief position through a global search. Call for paper Dr. Martin Young's special issue aims to highlight the latest advances in understanding circadian influences on cardiovascular ...
5 year Impact Factor 5.8 Editor-in-chief Suzanne Bakken, RN, PhD, FAAN, FACMI Focus Issue: "All of Us" Research Program Explore the Latest Focus Issue fromJAMIA. Read an Editorial overview of the collectionhere. Read the Issue Here
before being sent on for peer reviewing by at least two anonymous reviewers. The Editors then reach a decision and consult members of the Editorial BoardFootnote10where necessary. The average time to first editorial decision is slightly longer thanCAE(see Table3), but not as long asBJET, with...
Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Prior to her role at National Journal, Katie interned at Sixth Street on their Human Capital Management team, where she supported their Early Career Recruitment initiatives. She is originally from Naperville, Illinois and currently resides in Silver Spring, Maryland....