When referencing a journal article in the body of your text, use a parenthetical citation containing the authors' last names and the date of publication. For an article with three to five authors, list all authors names the first time you cite the article in your paper. For example: (Varga...
CITING MULTIPLE AUTHORS IN THE TEXT 2 authors: Cite both last names every time you reference it in your text: Kozma and Stones (1983) demonstrated as has been shown (Kozma & Stones, 1983) 3-5 authors: The first time you cite it, include all the last names. If you cite the same ...
which is, however, challenging with conventional materials and processing techniques. In contrast, the authors have been tackling this issue by using supramolecular chemistry. This article reviews our recent progress on the methodologies for making organic optical resonators and their emergent optical prope...
By virtue of this article authors aims to guideline and promote the development of new WBG based electro/photocatalyst for HER and other applications. Focus on the catalysts to resist the phosphate poisoning in high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells Liyuan Gong, Li Tao, Lei Wang,...
When authors submit an article to an Elsevier journal it is implied that: the work described has not been published previously except in the form of a preprint, an abstract, a published lecture, academic thesis or registered report. See our policy on multiple, redundant or concurrent publication...
Authors may share preprints in line with Elsevier's article sharing policy. Sharing preprints, such as on a preprint server, will not count as prior publication. We advise you to read our policy on multiple, redundant or concurrent publication. Free preprint posting on SSRN In support of o...
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select article MAIT cell-MR1 reactivity is highly conserved across multiple divergent species Research articleOpen access MAIT cell-MR1 reactivity is highly conserved across multiple divergent species Matthew D. Edmans, Timothy K. Connelley, Sophie Morgan, Troi J. Pediongco, ... Paul KlenermanJune ...
How can I prevent self-plagiarism while converting my thesis to a journal article? Would publishing an article from my thesis proposal affect the actual thesis, especially in terms of plagiarism? Coming up with a title The title needs to be relevant, short, and attractive. Titles, a...
Authors may share preprints in line with Elsevier's article sharing policy. Sharing preprints, such as on a preprint server, will not count as prior publication. We advise you to read our policy on multiple, redundant or concurrent publication. Free preprint posting on SSRN In support of open...