The scholars believe that it is possible to consider the story as an example of the synthesis of genres. The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the reception of “Bobok” in the USA by identifying the genre shifts in the English translation of the story. The material...
Rachel Ivy Clarke and Sayward Schoonmaker, authors of the article “Metadata for diversity: Identification and implications of potential access points for diverse library r... 25/03/2020 ALCTS Outstanding Publication Award for Journal of Documentation ...
Theory submissions critique a current theory and its relevance to Leadership Education. All theory submissions will include a substantive review and synthesis of related literature including supporting theories, comprehensive discussion, and implications to the field and practice of Leadership Education. Manus...
The editor’s decision to reject for scope and submit elsewhere when the topic is not suited to JAANP does not provide a critique of the article but allows the author to find a more appropriate journal quickly. Peer Review JAANP uses a double-blind peer review system. Authors can designate...
As this is a general review of the topic of SH in academia, a very extensive and rich body of material has been gathered that would merit further investigation through targeted research using more precisely defined keywords. For example, policies against SH, which have been very present in rece...
Article Google Scholar Muller, J. (2000). Reclaiming Knowledge. Social Theory, Curriculum and Education Policy. RoutledgeFalmer. Nola, R. (1997). Constructivism in science and science education: A philosophical critique. Science and Education, 6, 55–83. Nola, R. (2001). Review of Michael ...
[50]. For the current study, the German version was used [66]. Thereby, identity centrality was measured with three statements, to which participants could indicate their level of agreement on a five-point Likert scale (1 = totally disagree, 5 = totally agree; example item, “I ...
Our concern with this is twofold, and is informed by Lett and colleagues’ critique of health equity tourism [100]. First, conceptual muddling pollutes the health and healthcare equity literature with work that does not correctly articulate social and structural injustices as the root-causes of ...
Methods: Review and critique of methods used routinely with suggested advances. There are no strict requirements in terms of maximum number of pages or words for these article types, though the Rapid Communication articles are significantly shorter (~2,500 words) than the Full-Length Research Paper...
In the following, we will first discuss diverging classic theoretical views on writing-to-learn. Based on a critique of these approaches, we will then derive and characterize in detail a new theoretical perspective, called the self-regulation view in writing-to-learn. Following this theoretical di...