Journal Log Companion is your new way to connect your analog and digital logs together. Here you can add not only your own logs but also various notes and pages if you don’t have access to your laptop. The application has a simple user interface that’s intuitive for any user. You won...
Personalization with photos and stickers is free, but more color customization and advanced features, like password protection and cloud storage syncing, require either a monthly subscription or one-time purchase. This app is also exclusive to Apple device users. Not so much into writing, but want...
• The most feature-rich diary app for iOS, macOS & other platforms • Write your journal on any device (PC, laptop, tablet, phone, …) using Cloud Sync* • Use your personal cloud space for syncing (OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud, WebDAV) • Daily notifications remind ...
Zinnia has a whole bunch of amazing features that bring the look and feel of journaling and planning to your iPad and iPhone. Explore a huge catalog of design elements like lettering packs, washi tape and stickers. Use a variety of practical habit trackers to enhance your productivity. Transfor...
When I was 14, I bought Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg. I have kept up with writing practice off and on for over two decades now. Many times in the last few years, I have searched for something in an electronic version that I could use easily from a laptop, when I wante...
7-Day Free Trial Billed Monthly Download on the App StoreNo Fuss, All Fun Find your flow with tools that make journaling effortless and fun. Easily move between tools and pages, and neatly preserve your memories with instant undos, quick rotations and resizing, and an all-in-one toolkit. ...
Free Offers In-App Purchases iPhone ScreenshotsDescription Privately share & save photos, videos, journal entries, and audio notes to always remember the life you lived. Every year we will create amazing life movies for you to reflect back on. Get My Life Journal for a more private life! We...
These music pieces evolved in time with a variable amount of volume, thanks to an ad-hoc application built in the Pure Data multimedia programming environment, which run on a laptop. Specifically, at a randomized time during the music playback a linear increase in the average sound level (...
Microsoft Journal, an app for Windows, offers a delightful freeform personal notetaking experience that lets you take notes and reason through ink. Thank you for using Journal as a Garage project. Your input has shaped it into what Microsoft Journal is today. ...
1/1/2022 Laptop (expensed for work) assets:bank:checking USD -1000 assets:accounts receivable:ACME Corp Depending on which component (ACME Corp or Joe) you generate the journal for, the journal looks different. The same would happen if you generate the books for different departments, sub-...