苹果手记日记Journal App苹果版是一个信息记录类软件,可以帮助我们记录好生活的内容,什么类型的内容都能记录下来,不管是视频还是文字都能记录好,效率都非常的高,笔记信息都会自动的去区分,保存到指定的位置查询起来都非常的便利,记录环境很安全。 软件特色
今年 6 月,苹果在开发者大会官宣了一款全新的原生 app:Journal(手记)。顾名思义,这是一本以手机为纸笔的数字日记。▲ 图片来自:Apple 10 月底,Journal 终于在 iOS 17.2 开发者测试版亮相。刚更新完系统,它就出现在了主屏幕,等待着用户将它启封。纸质笔记、社交媒体、第三方日记软件,都可以拿来记录生活...
Day One for Mac and iOS users Diarium for Windows users Grid Diary for templated journaling Dabble Me for journaling over email If you don't want a completely new app, you can always use your current note-taking app as your journal. Or, do one better and build your own journal app with...
Journey is a beautifulappforPCand mobile devices that takes journaling to a whole new level. As a cross-platform app, you can use it on Windows, Mac, Linux, and even on a Chromebook. The design is perfect and comes with an easy to use UI, customizable fonts, and a well-spaced interf...
The award-winning journal app for capturing life as you live it. Free to download on iPhone, Android, iPad, and Mac. Now available on the web.
Apple's Journal app is simple. I've been testing it on a beta version of iOS for a month. When you open the app — you can lock its contents with Apple's FaceID — you're brought to a screen with a list of your entries and a single "+" button. ...
“通过 iOS 17,我们深入思考了我们所依赖的日常功能,从而让 iPhone 更加个性、使用更简便。”Apple 软件工程高级副总裁 Craig Federighi 表示,“电话 app、FaceTime 通话 app 和信息 app 都是我们交流沟通的重要工具,我们相信用户会爱上本次发布在这方面的多项升级。我们重新设计了隔空投送功能,加入了分享的新...
For technical assistance or other inquiries: https://dayoneapp.com/contact/ What’s New 13 Jan 2025 Version 2025.1.1 Take a moment to celebrate how far you’ve come this year—every step forward, every lesson learned, and every challenge overcome is a testament to your strength. ...
信息app还推出平安确认功能,这项重要功能可以让用户通知家庭成员或朋友自己已经平安抵达目的地。5、隔空投送与NameDrop让分享更轻松 iOS 17隔空投送迎来了新的分享方式。用户只需将两台iPhone放在一起,或者将一台iPhone和一支Apple Watch放在一起,就能通过NameDrop功能轻松分享联系人信息。通过同样的操作,用户还可以...
提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPad iPhone Apple Vision 简介 每天从一个清晰的计划开始,以充满创意、成就和珍贵瞬间的日记结束。Penjo 将您的 iPad、iPhone、Mac 或 Vision Pro 转变为终极数字子弹日记、日记本和规划工具,帮助您管理生活并记录每一天的故事。