Dryland agricultural system is under threat due to climate extremes and unsustainable management. Understanding of climate change impact is important to design adaptation options for dry land agricultural systems. Thus, the present review was conducted with the objectives to identify gaps and suggest tech...
which is to take innovation as a key driver and foster new driving force of growth for both individual countries and the global economy. We should develop a new development philosophy and rise above the debate about whether there should be more fiscal stimulus or more monetary easing. We should...
There is no significant difference between proactive knowledge search and reactive knowledge search in the two mediation paths, suggesting that both can effectively mediate the impact of corporate climate commitment on green technology innovation. The degree of digital transformation positively moderates the...
JAMES is a Gold Open Access journal that publishes original research articles advancing the development and application of models at all scales in understanding the physical Earth system and its coupling to biological, geological and chemical systems.
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About the journal Processes. Technologies. Systems. Production. Storage. Utilization Applied Thermal Engineering disseminates novel research related to the design, development and demonstration of components, devices, equipment, technologies, systems and, in general, solutions involving thermal processes for ...
Resilience Rising: Thriving Amid Climate Challenges Guest editors: Liang Emlyn Yang, Vincenzo Bolletino, Matthias Garschagen, Petra Tschakert, Mark Tebboth The dominant focus of climate change research has been on warning about risks, vulnerabilities, and damages, often overlooking the significan...
Expanding the European water Framework Directive indicators to address long-term climate change impacts on lakes using mechanistic lake models L.M.V. Soares, ... J.-P. Jenny March 2025View PDF Research articleOpen access Assessing the impact of China’s forest chief system on forest ecological ...
5 year Impact Factor 2.4 Editor-in-Chief Saffa B. Riffat Associate Editor applications invited Oxford University Press (OUP) invites applications for the position of Associate Editor for theInternational Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies(IJLCT), presenting the opportunity to keep abreast of trends in...
Urbanization-informed, uncertainty-based calibration approach for simulating the impact of urbanization on flooding in a data-limited region N. Nithila Devi;Soumendra Nath Kuiry Abstract View article PDF Runoff prediction using combined machine learning models and signal decomposition ...