Kilowatt-hours are usually abbreviated as kWh, although the formally adopted expression is kW·h. The abbreviation kW h is also sometimes used. For example, 1 kilowatt-hour can be written as 1 kWh, 1 kW·h, or 1 kW h. In formal expressions, the centered dot (·) or space is used...
Watt-seconds are usually abbreviated asWs, although the formally adopted expression isW·s. The abbreviationW sis also sometimes used. For example, 1 watt-second can be written as 1 Ws, 1 W·s, or 1 W s. In formal expressions, the centered dot (·) or space is used to separate unit...
FPS is the abbreviation for Feet Per Second, it is a measure of velocity to gauge the speed of BBs as it leaves the barrel of your airsoft gun or in real steel lingo "muzzle velocity". Some countries using Metric System uses MPS which stands for Meters Per Second while other countries l...
Unit Conversion and Dimensional Analysis from Chapter 1 / Lesson 2 343K Dimensional analysis is used in converting different units of measure through the multiplication of a given proportion or conversion factor. Learn how to solve single-step and multi-step problems using dimensional analysis and...
Named for English physicist James Prescott Joule, the joule (J) is one of the cornerstone units of the International metric system. The joule is used as a unit of work, energy, and heat, and is widely used in scientific applications. If...
Watt-seconds are usually abbreviated as Ws, although the formally adopted expression is W·s. The abbreviation W s is also sometimes used. For example, 1 watt-second can be written as 1 Ws, 1 W·s, or 1 W s. In formal expressions, the centered dot (·) or space is used to sepa...
Megawatt-hours are usually abbreviated asMWh, although the formally adopted expression isMW·h. The abbreviationMW his also sometimes used. For example, 1 megawatt-hour can be written as 1 MWh, 1 MW·h, or 1 MW h. In formal expressions, the centered dot (·) or space is used to separ...