Jotron Tron 60S GPS EPIRB 产品说明书 Tron 60S/GPS Float-free and manual EPIRB • Best global sales and support network • Antenna mounted LED for increased visibility • Integrated GPS ensures accurate positioning • 5 year warranty • 7 year battery life ...
T 60S T 60GPS 2 .jotron.jotron 85525_UM_60S/GPS_K AmendmenTrecordS Amend- mentno ByDatePage(s)Vers.Reason orchange 1TH23.12.2010Total32ANewManual 2TH25.02.2011Ch.3.1.2BChangedbattery in o 3TH18.04.2011Page13-29CRe-arrangedpic-
型号 Tron 60S Part Number: 83320 Description: Tron 60S with manual bracket has a small and compact handheld size. Tron 60S is totally sealed, has 5 years warranty and is designed to meet IMO SOLAS requirements. With Tron 60S, along with the existing Tron 40S MKII, Jotron meets all segmen...
价格 ¥ 10.00 起订数 10000个起批 发货地 上海 商品类型 交通运输 、 船舶专用配件 、 其他船舶专用配件 商品关键词 Tron60S、 JOTRON、 EPIRB 商品图片 商品参数 品牌: JOTRON 加工定制: 否 样品或现货: *** 是否标准件: 标准件 有可授权的自有品牌: 否 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价...
Position Indication Radio Beacon(EPIRB), Tron 60S/GPS, is the latest contribution to Jotron`s already comprehensive product range. Tron 60S/GPS small and compact handheld size will be a perfect supplement to meet the growing demand for smaller size EPIRB`s, both in Float-Free and as Manual ...
联系企业 JOTRON Tron 60S EPIRB with manual bracket 价格 ¥ 10.00 起订数 10000个起批 发货地 上海 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 FURUNO GMDSS LED LIG应急灯 EMG-1T ¥ 10.00 EMG-1T船舶电台应急灯GMDSS设备***应急灯MF/HF组合台VHF DSC灯 ¥ 230.00 NIPPON ODC-2381-1N Non-Water-proof ...
3 Tron 60S/GPS Tron 60S/GPS is a small, compact and sealed EPIRB with an antenna mounted LED for increased visibility. – Supplied with either a float-free or – 5 year warranty from factory manual bracket – Service stations worldwide – Operates on the COSPAS-SARSAT – Complies with IMO...
JOTRON TRON60S/GPS 支架 MB-60 Manual Bracket 86559 ABS 玛琳斯船舶服务(上海)有限公司 6年 查看详情 ¥10.00/个 上海 JOTRON VHF对讲机 Tron TR20 品牌JOTRON 玛琳斯船舶服务(上海)有限公司 6年 查看详情 ¥10.00/个 上海 JOTRON Tron AIS TR-8000 complete IMO package 品牌JOTRON 玛琳斯船舶服务(上...
立即拨号 JOTRON进口VHF对讲机船用无线通讯设备GMDSSTR 30 ¥ 4000.00 /台 JOTRON,TR,30,无线通讯设备,船用,对讲机 交通运输/船舶用设备/其他船舶用设备 立即拨号 JOTRON Tron 60S EPIRB with manual bracket ¥ 10.00 /个 Tron60S,JOTRON,EPIRB 交通运输/船舶专用配件/其他船舶专用配件 立即拨号 爱...
Jotron AS offers marine products such as intercom systems, integrated communication systems, emergency position indicating radio beacon- epirb/s-vdr, communication, antennas, ais (automatic identification systems),