The Pinto Fault, which runs along the park’s northern perimeter, has carved out rocky, year-round water sources that are home to the California tree frog, Pseudacris cadaverina. The red-spotted toad, Bufo punctatus, spends most of its life underground and is an actual resident of the ...
The perfect homebase for all of your Joshua Tree area adventures. Imagine camping in complete comfort while located near the rugged rock formations and vast desert landscapes filled with the famous bristled tree forests of Joshua Tree California. Joshua Tree RV & Campground is the perfect home ...
Weather of Joshua Tree National Park Days are typically clear with less than 25% humidity. Spring and Fall– Temperatures are most comfortable in the spring and fall, with an average of 85 F and low of 50 F. Summer– Summers are hot, over–sometimes well over–100 F during the day and...
The Hall of Horrors is one of thebest hikes in Joshua Tree National Park.It’s short, it’s scenic, and adding on the slot canyon is one of the most thrilling experiences in the park. The Hall of Horrors is a short slot canyon that is located in the giant stacks of boulders in th...