Iosua 1:5 RMNN Nimeni nu va putea să stea împotriva ta cât vei trăi. Eu voi fi cu tine, cum am fost cu Moise; nu te voi lăsa, nici nu te voi părăsi. NTLR Nici un om nu-ţi va putea sta împotrivă cât vei trăi. Cum am fost cu Moise, tot aşa...
the Euphrates—all the Hittitecountry—to the Mediterranean Sea in the west.5No one will be able to stand against youall the days of your life. As I was withMoses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsakeyou.6Be strongand courageous,because you will lead these peopl...
This dissertation examines the text of Joshua 3:1-5:1 by employing narratological and translation technique methods. Overall, it has been estimated, the Greek version of Joshua is 4-5% shorter than the MT. Most scholars would argue that the shorter version of LXX-Joshua reflects the original...
专辑名:Same Shoes Second Verse 歌手:joshua payne 发行时间:2007-01-01 简介:Joshua Payne is one of the most abundantly gifted of a new breed of singer and songwriter, blessed with a big, classically-trained voice and a soul to match. Same Shoes Second Verse, his sophomore CD, introduces ...
Theology The Crossing of the Jordan (Joshua 3|1--5|1)| A Study in Narrative Criticism and Translation Technique of the Septuagint THE CLAREMONT GRADUATE UNIVERSITY Kristin De Troyer TiuetiSiliveinusi MoalaThis dissertation examines the text of Joshua 3:1-5:1 by employing narratological and ...
1. A son of Arphaxad . . . Luke 3:36 2. A son of Enosh . . . Gen. 5:9–14; 1 Chr. 1:1,... Canaan, land of Canaan, land of A. Specifications regarding:Boundaries . . . Gen. 10:19Fertility . . . Ex. 3:8, ... Choice,...
五王合攻基遍 - 耶路撒冷王亚多尼洗德听见约书亚夺了艾城,尽行毁灭,怎样待耶利哥和耶利哥的王,也照样待艾城和艾城的王,又听见基遍的居民与以色列人立了和约,住在他们中间, 就甚惧怕。因为基遍是一座大城,如都城一般,比艾城更大,并且城内的人都是勇士。
. . Num. 25:1–5 Infected Israel; 24,000 died... Balaam Balaam—destroyer of the people A. Information concerning:A son of Beor . . . Num. 22:5From... Baptism, John’s Baptism, John’s Administrator—John . . . Matt. 3:4...
5 耶和华─你们的神必将他们从你们面前赶出去,使他们离开你们,你们就必得他们的地为业,正如耶和华─你们的神所应许的。 6 所以, 你们要大大壮胆,谨守遵行写在摩西律法书上的一切话,不可偏离左右。 7 不可与你们中间所剩下的这些国民搀杂。他们...
5 耶和华─你们的神必将他们从你们面前赶出去,使他们离开你们,你们就必得他们的地为业,正如耶和华─你们的神所应许的。 6 所以, 你们要大大壮胆,谨守遵行写在摩西律法书上的一切话,不可偏离左右。 7 不可与你们中间所剩下的这些国民搀杂。...