Ágota Dunai Álvaro Guerrero Áskell Einar Pálmason Íris Tanja Flygenring Ísgerður Elfa Gunnarsdóttir 完美恐怖片 Ólafur Darri Ólafsson A SERIAL KILLER’S GUIDE TO LIFE AFTER WE LEAVE ALIEN ADDICTION BRONSON THE DEEPER YOU DIG ...
(Laughs) Yeah, of course, we banter and have fun. But we’re also very focused people, and we are working hard at rehearsal. But, yeah, there’s lots of climbing up and down the drum kit and banging on the symbols and joking around. We’re lucky that we love the work that we ...
Ágota Dunai Álvaro Guerrero Áskell Einar Pálmason Íris Tanja Flygenring Ísgerður Elfa Gunnarsdóttir 完美恐怖片 Ólafur Darri Ólafsson A SERIAL KILLER’S GUIDE TO LIFE AFTER WE LEAVE ALIEN ADDICTION BRONSON THE DEEPER YOU DIG ...