As was the case with the real-life marriage, the film depicts a passionate but ultimately doomed romance. Despite his adoration of Josephine, Napoleon divorced her and remarried once he realized she wouldn't be able to provide him with children. This relationship is the emotional core of Scott...
Empress Joséphine de Beauharnais was Napoleon’s first wife and the first Empress of the French. During the Reign of Terror, Joséphine’s first husband had been guillotined. Due to not bearing any children for Napoleon, he divorced her in 1810 after fourteen years of marriage so he could m...
The Rose of Martinique: A Life of Napoleon’s Josephineby Andrea Stuart Napoleon: His Wives And Womenby Christopher Hibbert The Diligent: A Voyage Through the Worlds Of The Slave Tradeby Robert Harms A Colony of Citizens: Revolution and Slave Emancipation in the French Caribbean, 1787...
France, in a temporary vault. In 1825, Joséphine’s remains were transferred to the tomb ordered by her two children Eugene and Hortense. Napoleon’s true love had been his first wife and his last words were, “France,