Firstly, Stalin was given the position of Commissar of Nationalities, which entitled the power of patronage. After Lenin died, Stalin competed with other members of the Politburo for power, however he was able to use the power of patronage to extend privileges to his supporters and isolate his...
Joseph Stalin was communist dictator party leader who use deception to gain his power and violence to rise as dictator. He came to power in Soviet Union, after the previous leader Lenin have died. Russia had to face the circumstance of a need for a new successor in Lenin place, in which...
In 1922, when Vladimir Lenin became incapacitated, there was a clear need of a successor for the Soviet Union. As he was slowly dying, a power struggle emerged between Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin. These two had developed a deep hatred and rivalry for each other. Even though Trotsky “...
He made shrewd appointments and consolidated his power so that eventually nearly all members of the central command owed their position to him. By the time anyone realized what he had done, it was too late. Even Lenin, who was gravely ill, was helpless to regain control from Stalin. Great...
Having served as commissar for state control since 1919, he continued this post until 1923, while in 1922 he was elected general secretary of the Communist Party, a position that gave him control over appointments and established a base for his political power. Stalin’s rude and aggressive ...
(Kreis 1). Was born of illiterate peasant parents, his harsh spirit have been blamed on undeserved and severe beatings by his father, inspiring vengeful feelings toward anyone in a position to wield power over him (Stalin 1). His mother set him on a path to become a priest, and he ...
“complete freedom for the Finnish people, and for other peoples of Russia, to arrange their own life”. This meant that he supported the idea of self-determination and making a life for yourself. After a while, Stalin found it hard to control the non-Russian people under his power. They...
Between October 1917 and 1923, Stalin served in several roles in Lenin’s government, most notably as Commissar of Nationalities. In April 1922 Stalin was appointed general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). It was an apparently mundane position, responsible for organisin...
However, the question of the legitimacy of his position as leader of the Bolshevik party still remains. Following the death of Lenin in 1924, a power vacuum developed within the Bolshevik party and it was clear that a leadership race between candidates had begun. Stalin was able to rise ...
All of the discipline is on you and you alone. Learning to sit in one position for 10 minutes sounds easy, but some days it is anything but easy. You will experience days where you do not want to meditate, days where you are consumed with problems and your mind is racing and the ...