Although he did not play a prominent role in the Bolshevik takeover of the government in October (November, New Style), Stalin became a member of the new government’s Soviet (Council) of People’s Commissars (Russian acronym, Sovnarkom), heading the Commissariat for Nationality Affairs. Giv...
This paper explains how the relationship between Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, Mao Tse-tung of China, and Kim Il Sung of North Korea before and during the Korean War from 1950 to 1953 was "cold in the sense that it was based on personal agendas and the necessity of thei...
Petersburg and across Russia played the leading role in the Russian Revolution of 1917. After the revolution the Bolsheviks Communists grabbed the power, then Communists murdered the Tsar and the Russian royal family. Stalin and Lenin took over the Tsar's palaces and used the main one in ...
This paper explains how the relationship between Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, Mao Tse-tung of China, and Kim Il Sung of North Korea before and during the Korean War from 1950 to 1953 was "cold in the sense that it was based on personal agendas and the necessity of their relationshi...
1. Joseph Stalin was the dictatorial leader of the Soviet Union, ruling from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953. His ideas and actions contributed to the unfolding Cold War. 2. Stalin’s origins were humble: he was born in Georgia, the son of a cobbler. After abandoning training for...
During these years, Stalin had continued to move up the party ladder, and in 1922 he became secretary general of the Central Committee of theCommunist Party, a role that enabled him to appoint his allies to government jobs and grow a base of political support. ...
BACK creates “satellites” in E. Europe—”sparks” Cold War “Iron Curtain” speech “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.” People of the Cold War Do you Know 1945-1989 Joseph Stalin Winston Churchill Harry S. Truman...
Joseph Stalin played a very important role in the history of Soviet Russia. He was exposed to Karl Marx’s ideas at a very young age in the Tiflis Theological Seminary school he was enrolled in. He continued with these ideas throughout the early years of his life; modifying them as he ...
claimants to use language that implied their broken windscreen was made of toughened rather than laminated glass, which meant they were liable for the cost of the replacement’s upgrade in quality, even if there hadn’t actually been one (not that this was how my role was described to me)...
On Lenin’s death, Stalin took a lead role in giving public commemorations, organising his funeral and (against Lenin’s wishes) ordering that his body be embalmed and placed on public display. Stalin formed a troika – a three-way alliance with Kamenev and Zinoviev – and with their suppo...