The spectacular, world-wide growth of the LDS or Latter Day Saints, its weighty and deeply conservative political influence in Utah and beyond, is remarkable given the improbable origins of the Church. The extended and heavily institutional story of prophet Joseph Smith, considered by most non-Mor...
Kirkham and Hugh Nibley more or less concurred with Elder Bean -- and LDS Apostle John A. Widtsoe made an even more emphatic statement, published in the official LDS Church organ in 1946: "Joseph Smith was not a money digger, nor did he deceive people with peepstone claims." More recen...
the Father pointing to the Son said 'this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him' " 2 Other LDS scholars have already effectively dealt with the variants in the different accounts of Joseph Smith's first vision, and while I recommend them to the reader, I shall not...
Finally, Missourians feared that continued LDS ingathering would lead to loss of political control. “It requires no gift of prophecy,” stated a citizens’ committee, “to tell that the day is not far distant when the civil government of the county will be in their hands; when the sheriff...
While the term “Mormon” was historically associated with members of the LDS Church (Latter-Day Saints), the official name of the Church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The word Mormon, comes from The Book of Mormon, the ancient book of scriptures from American inhabita...
the Father pointing to the Son said 'this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him' " 2 Other LDS scholars have already effectively dealt with the variants in the different accounts of Joseph Smith's first vision, and while I recommend them to the reader, I...
SKU: v1 1011K 3/23/24 CRS 28 Categories: Mormon/D&C, Mormon/LDS Tags: D&C, doctrine and covenants, LDS, mormon Description Reviews (0) Description The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical and...
A story is told of an encounter between the Prophet Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. LDS “Joseph Smith’s Bible Translation.” LDS Joseph Smith inquired of the Lord to learn which of all the churches he should join. LDS Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, ...
SKU: v1 Bx1756 3/8/22 CRS 24 Categories: Biography, Mormon/Biography, Mormon/Joseph Smith, Mormon/LDS Tags: biography, Joseph Smith, LDS, mormon Description Reviews (0) Description The History of Joseph Smith By His Mother (Collector’s Edition) By Lu...
In 1966, Dr. Aziz S. Atiya of the University of Utah noticed that these fragments were clearly part of Smith’s collection of papyri. (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints(LDS Church) acquired the fragments in 1967.“I Have a Question”.Ensign. July 1988. RetrievedJuly 9,201...