约瑟夫 Joseph·Campbell 的作品(7) 评分年份角色 全球大趋势52011作者 课程文化32008作者 美化你的声音245 6.6 2005作者 青春偶像后街男孩(彩图版)12004作者 青春偶像克里斯蒂娜(彩图版)12004作者 有色食物吃出健康22003作者 企业政策战略过程管理02001作者
收藏 评分 年份 角色 个人成长的英雄之旅 39 8.8 2015 作者 追随直觉之路 448 8.4 2016 作者 千面英雄 2121 8.3 2012 作者 指引生命的神话 235 8.2 2013 作者 神话的力量 627 8.0 2013 作者 英雄之旅 631 7.8 2022 作者 > 我来报错 > 我来补充 >去 约瑟夫·坎贝尔 作者页 ...
smiles. He was adorable. The difference is that these are dogs thatcanbe taken anywhere. There are dogs in cafes and restaurants, and they are well behaved, and their owners are good about cleaning up after them. Some of the older guidebooks warned about the dog doo on the sidewalks, bu...
…He said the exhibition would also feature books from the duke of Berry’s collection on display for the first time since the 15th century. Berry, known as John the Magnificent, whose motto was “Le Temps venra” (the time will come), was one of medieval France’s greatest patrons of ...
in The Mysteries: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, ed. Joseph Campbell, Bollingen . Series XXX . 2, (Princeton: Princeton University ...www.ichinglivingchange.org/resource-library/01papers...Between ReligionLiterature: Mircea EliadeNorthrop Frye...
Kathy Sauer, Jennifer Imaging and Multimedia Smith, Daniel Toronto, Carol Ullmann Randy Bassett, Dean Dauphinais, Robert Duncan, Leitha Etheridge-Sims, Mary Grimes, Research Lezlie Light, Jeffrey Matlock, Dan Newell, Michelle Campbell, Nicodemus Ford, Sarah Dave Oblender, Christine OBryan, Kelly A...
Joseph Campbell Collection: Western QuestPresents key lectures on myth, symbolism, and spiritual awakening.Joseph Campbell
Wings of Art: Joseph Campbell on James JoyceJoseph Campbell
Joseph Campbell, American author and editor whose works on comparative mythology examined the universal functions of myth in various human cultures.