Educational background; Dissertation; Teaching career; Research trips to France; Involvement in professional societies; Editor of the 'Catholic Historical Review'; Monographs, books and other works.Horvath-PetersonSandraFrench Historical Studies
as their being placed on an equal footing with Christians, contrary to the laws of God and the natural distinction of race and religion, so that it was intolerable for any decent Christian to bow down beneath such a yoke; wherefore we rather withdrew in order to preserve our doctrines in p...
I was born in Renton, a suburb of Seattle, Washington, in 1911. I was the only child of Joseph and Elizabeth Stigler, who had separately migrated to the United States at the end of the 19th century, my father from Bavaria and my mother from what was then Austria-Hungary (and her moth...
見 Sandra Tanner 著《Evolution of the First Vision and Teaching on God in Early Mormonism(在早期摩門信仰中第一次異象和關於神的教導的演變)》 ^Palmer, Grant H. 著《An Insider’s View of Mormon Origins(一個內部人對摩門教創始的觀點)》,Signature Books 出版,2002年,第248-251頁...
Emily Mortimer –“Hugo,”“Lars and the Real Girl” Sandra Oh –“Rabbit Hole,”“Sideways” Paula Patton –“Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol,”“Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire” Michael Peña –“End of Watch,”“Crash” Emmanuelle Riva –“Amour,”“Hiroshima,...
在Sandra Escher博士和Marius Romme教授 的著作启发下成立 他们将「听到声音」视为一种生存策略 一种在异常情境下的合理反应 不是旁人必须包容的精神分裂症状 反而是有待深入研究、 复杂、重要且有意义的经验 我们共同预见并推动 能理解尊重「听声者」的社会环境 支持他们的需求 把他们当享有权利的...
While Kramer didn’t reveal her son’s name ahead of time, she didtell PEOPLE in August, “It goes really good with Jolie” and that their baby boy has “been a savior” for herself and Caussin, 31, who continue to work on their marriage two years after the former NFL player’s inf...