Prior to his enrollment in this prominent learning institution, his older brother Paciano Rizal Mercado, insisted that Jose drop the surname “Mercado”, to ensure that the younger Mercado would be disassociated with the outspoken and borderline subversive reputation of his older brother. As such, t...
In his novels and newspaper editorials, Rizal called for a number of reforms of the Spanish colonial system in the Philippines. He advocated freedom of speech and assembly, equal rights before the law for Filipinos, and Filipino priests in place of the often-corrupt Spanish churchmen. In additi...
Instead of adding another academic treatise to the Rizal industry, I aim to give my take on his story by drawing simple life lessons to what many see as an extraordinary life. It is high time that we search our humanity in Rizal, and in turn, find Rizal in ourselves. Biography of ...
Rushty Mabaga
José Rizal(born June 19, 1861, Calamba, Philippines—died December 30, 1896, Manila) was a patriot, physician, and man of letters who was an inspiration to thePhilippinenationalist movement. The son of a prosperous landowner, Rizal was educated inManilaand at theUniversity of Madrid. A brill...