+17 分享3赞 西班牙语吧 玉阑珊1981 自己翻译的短文:求指教 graciasEsta contienda es en realidad un festejo dentro de la semana de fiestas que cada ano el pueblo de Bunol celebra en honor de su patron,San Luis Bertran.番茄战实际是当地人为了纪念他们的庇护神在每年的节庆周举行的庆祝活... 分享...
Ignatius of Loyola, who founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), and in the later religious writer and poet Luis de León. Nor did Spain lack women humanists; some exceptional women renowned for their erudition taught in universities, including Francisca de Nebrija and Lucía Medrano. Beatriz ...