近日,安哥拉总统多斯桑托斯(Jose Eduardo Dos Santos)和库培里帕将军(Kopelipa)在18位部长的陪同下视察了泛华建设 … www.fanhua.net.cn|基于7个网页 3. 总统桑托斯 ...会的220席中拿下175席,意味在位已33年的现任总统桑托斯(Jose Eduardo dos Santos)可再执政5年。
核心提示:Jose Eduardo Dos Santos,中文译名:若泽·爱德华多·多斯桑托斯 外文全称:Jose Eduardo Dos Santos 中文译名:若泽·爱德华多·多斯桑托斯 背景介绍:非洲资格最老的领导人之一、安哥拉总统若泽·爱德华多·多斯桑托斯2月3日宣布不会在今年8月的选举中谋求连任,从而踏上了结束其37年统治的最后路程。多斯桑托斯19...
LISBON, Portugal (AP) — José Eduardo dos Santos, once one of Africa’s longest-serving rulers who during almost four decades as president of Angola fought the continent’s longest civil war and turned his country into a major oil producer as well as one of the world’s poorest a...
Presents a biographical account of the life of Angola President Jose Eduardo dos Santos. Family background; Educational attainment; Membership and eventual leadership of the Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA); Government positions held; Angola under Santos' leadership; Rivalry with the rebel...
别名:Jose Eduardo / Jose Eduardo Nunes dos Santos Jose Eduardo,1945年8月4日出生,葡萄牙演员。主要作品《云彩身后》、《宿命论者》。 分享: 全部作品 电影 2007 应召女郎 电影 云彩身后 电影 2005 宿命论者 电影 2003 Fascínio, O 电影 1996 亚洲之眼 ...
Eduardo Jose·Santos dos Anjos E d u a r d o J o s e · S a n t o s d o s A n j o s身 价 : - 国籍/会籍: 巴西 惯用脚: - 出生日期: 2024-08-15 位置: 后卫 身高: - 所属球队: 阿普卡拉纳SC(巴帕拉乙) 体重: - 合同截至日期: - 球员简介: Eduardo Jose·Santos dos An...
Miranda Dos, Santos Da Costa Laranjeira Paulo Eduardo (Oporto, PT) Gomes Queiroz, Dias Madalena Maria (Oporto, PT) Areosa Martins, António Augusto (Oporto, PT) Application Number: 10/589463 Publication Date: 05/07/2013 Filing Date: 02/14/2005 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliograp...
Benedict, Roger
José dos Santos president of Angola Ask the Chatbot a Question More Actions Print Cite Share Feedback External Websites Also known as: José Eduardo dos Santos Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they ...
This group includes Antonio Martínez Ballesteros, Manuel Martínez Mediero, José Ruibal, Eduardo Quiles, Francisco Nieva, Luis Matilla, and Luis Riaza. Antonio Gala, a multitalented, original, and commercially successful playwright, debunked historical myths while commenting allegorically on contemporary...