昨天看见Jordan Peterson视频,有句话我挺认同的:“Writing is thinking”(写作就是思考)。 写作就是最犀利的武器,能够影响很多很多人---只要思想足够深。 语言不过是一个个符号,把符号组织起来,让整个人类...
Don’t worry too much about how well you are writing at this point. It is also best at this point not to worry too much about the niceties of sentence structure and grammar. That is all best left for the second major step, which is editing. You should think of the essay writing proc...
36. “Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.”–Jordan Peterson 37. “You can do an awful lot by writing down what happened to you and thinking it through.”–Jordan Peterson Don’t forget to also read theseLewis Carroll quotesthat will inspire you to run away with y...
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwihmfyx-OGDAxXZqFYBHVkhA-0QFnoECB0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fjordanbpeterson.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F02%2FEssay_Writing_Guide.docx&usg=AOvVaw3KyLd4DMN7itJ47rOkO__z&opi=89978449 有需要的翻墙出去找一下下载...
On August 23, 2023, Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice released its decision in Peterson v College of Psychologists of Ontario. Justice Schabas, writing for the panel, dismissed Dr. Jordan Peterson’s judicial review application of a decision by the College ...
老外谈写作WRITING IS THINKING写作能力=思考能力 Speaker: Dr. Jordan B Peterson Wisdom Bread (What) I can't believe that people aren't just told that! That's the most dangerous thing you can possibly be. 正文: The best thing you can do is teach people to write. Because there's no diff...
In a recent decision, the court denied Peterson's plea to avoid the mandatory training, asserting that the College of Psychologists is within its rights to oversee Peterson's statements. Judge Paul Schabas opined, “I have concluded that the application should be dismissed. In my view, the Dec...
they surpassed them. A pure psychological intervention that only took four hours completely obliterated the effects of what was supposed to be a sociological problem. We ran the experiment again at Mohawk College in Canada and even though people did the writing in a much more compressed amount of...
Brenna Miller: Okay, so me and my friends is me, and then Brandon Lockhart, Zach Peterson, James Brown, and Nathan Gillett, and we all graduated from Bingham. We've all been good friends since middle school. We've all gone our ways. We went up Butterfield Canyon, Middle Canyon, same...
Jordan B Peterson PART ONE: INTRODUCTION What is an essay? An essay is a relatively short piece of writing on a particular topic. However, the wordessayalso means attempt or try. An essay is, therefore, a short piece written by someone attempting to explore a topic or answer a question....