根据Peterson的建议, 加上引用和参考书目(APA style), 设置好格式等就算大功告成。 不得不说,Peterson给的是一个非常完整的写作流程图,也让我很惊讶,原来有人是这样写文章的。可惜我今天写的只是笔记,希望尽快实践他的写作方法。 刘野Books on Books, 2007 Reference: Peterson, J., Essay Writing Guide原文地...
原文:豆瓣: Jordan Peterson's guide on essay writing 我们为什么写作? 为什么复杂的想法是重要的?因为对于一般人来说,行动和思考没有什么区别。但其实思考是更重要的,因为经过思考的行动比无知的行动更加有成效,同时遇到的问题也会更少。如果你想拥有一个有能力、安全感、参与度的生活,而不是一个野蛮和短暂的生...
没有比写作更好的方法,因为写作可以扩展你的记忆,让你便于编辑和明晰你的想法。 你可以将不容易记忆的想法记录下来,这样你就可以同时拥有更多的想法。而一旦写下这些想法,就可以逐字逐句的改变它们。在仔细思考之后,排除掉哪些不好的想法。如果你排除调不好的想法,那么你留下的就是好想法了。你将获得这些原创的好...
The following guide is created by Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and Professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. His performance in the public debates is impressive and his lectures and speeches are inspirational. Though a somewhat public intellecual, he's no doubt a veteran i...
Jordan Peterson quotes about finding purpose in life 20. “The purpose of life is finding the largest burden that you can bear and bearing it.”–Jordan Peterson Everyday Application: This might sound a little terrible, but think about it for a minute. Your purpose on this earth should have...
We’re all about to find out — and, not least, in Canada. Why is all this happening, we ask, wringing our hands; and to us, the self-proclaimed greatest best friend and staunch ally of the elephant who parades so theatrically on the far side of our southern border?
Jordan Peterson: Canada is trampling on my God-given right to free speech The Supreme Court has already determined this: hence the failure of my appeal. Regulatory boards in Canada are not required to apply the law correctly, as law professor Dr. Bruce Pardy recently pointed out. Furtherm...
In this chapter, Peterson contemplated on the question: why is there suffering in the world? As he wrote, “there are few things that make it harder to accept the fundamental limitations of human existence than a sick child.” He answered the question with the tight interlinking between vulner...
Jordan Peterson’s net worth in 2023 stands at approximately $8 million. This figure, however, is the subject of some debate. Several forums, including on platforms like Reddit, have speculated that the number might be even greater. This value has been derived considering his diverse sources of...
On August 23, 2023, Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice released its decision in Peterson v College of Psychologists of Ontario. Justice Schabas, writing for the panel, dismissed Dr. Jordan Peterson’s judicial review application of a decision by the College ...