【生肉】Jordan Peterson & Slavoj Žižek on Happiness: Capitalism vs Marxism 3975 22 28:31:29 App 【心理学】【生肉】【Jordan Peterson】: 2017 Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief 5.7万 43 17:22 App 【Jordan Peterson演讲 】有史以来最励志的演讲之一:永远不要和别人作比较! 16.3万 76...
map of meaning 主要是关于了人类生命的意义的课题,分析虚无主义和后现代主义对生命意义的破坏,和重拾...
一句话评价,如果21世纪的人类值得被拯救,那么出手的人都会去执行Jordan Peterson所讲的东西。因为过去几...
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【文字】豆瓣:Maps of Meaning 【视频】JP心理学课程Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief 这本书可以说是JP思想的基石,下面摘一段豆瓣书评: 为什么这本书还没被翻译成中文? Peterson教授是个天才。刚刚上完了Peterson在多伦多大学的PSY434课,这是必读的一本书。写的非常不错:逻辑清晰,文字优美,其中的智...
今天刚发现了 这位无私奉献的up主早在一年前就搬运了这个系列的视频, 看来我就不太需要 精翻这个视频了 我即将在我的频道 搬运+翻译,2017 Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (University of Toronto) 这个系列的视频. 如果有人今后看到,并且感兴趣Dr.Jordan Peterson 这个系列的课程的 可以移步到我...
19 Responses to “Jordan Peterson” Reply Dan K at I’ve had the same experience since I started watching his work after his first interview on the Joe Rogan Experience. The latest version of “Maps of Meaning” are really good and have a much better production value than the previous...
Jordan Peterson: Thanks very much for the invitation. Brett McKay: So we had you on the show about five months, kind of talked about your work in general, and your ideas and what you’re trying to do. I’d encourage people to listen to that episode to get a big picture view of wha...
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 6, 2023 With his students and colleagues at Harvard and the University of Toronto, Peterson has published over 100 scientific papers, transforming the modern understanding of personality, while his book Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief...
Jordan B Peterson PART ONE: INTRODUCTION What is an essay? An essay is a relatively short piece of writing on a particular topic. However, the wordessayalso means attempt or try. An essay is, therefore, a short piece written by someone attempting to explore a topic or answer a question....