Politically, Jordan Peterson has been described asAlt. Right, Libertarian, and hedescribes himselfas a British Classical Liberal. He is also a popular figure within theIntellectual Dark Web, a movement opposed to identity politics and claims that free speech is under siege. Ultimately, the label ...
34. “Make friends with people who want the best for you.”–Jordan Peterson 35. “You’re going to pay a price for every bloody thing you do and everything you don’t do. You don’t get to choose to not pay a price. You get to choose which poison you’re going to take.”–...
In12 Rules For Life, Jordan Peterson weaves together personal anecdotes, intellectual history, and religious imagery into a truly unique book that explores how to live a life full of meaning and purpose. This book broadly discusses individual responsibility, discipline, freedom and adventure in ways ...
His first book has sold almost six-million copies worldwide. His newer book Beyond Order is out March 2, and has pre-sold over 100,000 copies. The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast and his YouTube videos reach hundreds of thousands of people with every episode, and there are hundreds of thousan...
Peterson believes that in the Book of Genesis(《创世纪》), the serpent in the Garden of Eden represents chaos. After Adam and Eve listen to the snake's temptation and become "conscious," they're aware not just of their own vulnerability to suffering, but of their capacity to inflictsufferi...
Peterson. I don’t have time to write anything about him right now – it might be a week or two until I get to it (in the middle of moving and a bunch of things. I’ll probably post it as a reply here and whatever your current “Religious” post is at the time.) But you ...
Jordan Peterson: I don’t think- That’s a great question. Brett McKay: We’re storytelling animal, so we could say the story, “Well, I’m here because of such and such thing, and I’m a victim of blah blah blah blah.” But you ignore the things that you contributed. ...
Jordan Peterson: You could say the radical left says the great father is all bad, and the radical right says the great father’s all good, because they can’t tolerate the conflict, the fact that both elements have to be considered simultaneously. They’re both equally desirous of abandoning...
And I feel like there was this kind of transition at some point from a lot of young men that I was in contact with and doing ministry with were listening to Jordan Peterson and then all of a sudden that became Andrew Tate. And those are two totally different worlds. They’re two ...
In one of Jordan Peterson’s older university lectures he shared an interpretation of the meaning behind the yin yang symbol. It’s a symbol I’ve seen throughout my life but I’ve not heard it explained in this way, and thought it was worth a share. ...