【世界著名心理学家Jordan Peterson教授的演讲《人生十二法则 12 Rules for Life》完整版】 法则① Stand up straight with your shoulders back 站直了 昂首挺胸 直面人生的苦难 法则② Treat yourself like som...
乔丹·彼得森(Jordan Peterson) 乔丹·彼得森是《12条生活规则》的作者和叙述者。 彼得森在加拿大农村长大,曾担任临床心理学家,并在哈佛大学和多伦多大学担任教授。 彼得森受到20世纪大屠杀和苏联古拉格等暴行的困扰,他研究了世界神话和宗教著作,以及历史和心理学,以努力了解面对苦难的生活意义。 在这本书中,他以针对日...
【公开课-人格及其转变】含教材 论文 写作资料 | Jordan Peterson: Personality and Its Transformations 写写话话 2.3万12 16:20 乔丹彼得森:痛苦的真相-通往你能成为什么样的人的途径就是通过真相。 被打自闭了TT 3:04:54 【中字】Jordan Peterson教授三个小时人生建议 ...
乔丹·彼得森写过一本书叫《人生十二法则》(12 Rules For Life — An Antidote to Chaos),书中的十二条建议本身是看上去很简单的道理,但是彼得森深作了刻分析。这十二条规则可以让我们发现更好的自己,过上更好的生活。本文译自Medium,作者Toby Hazlewood,原文标题为“How Jordan Peterson’s ‘12 Rules for...
「大声朗读英文书」P. 23-28《人生十二法则》12 Rules For Life by Jordan B. Peterson 12/07/22, 视频播放量 463、弹幕量 0、点赞数 13、投硬币枚数 5、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 Carl-Xiao-肖子喆, 作者简介 I'm here to motivate you and support your wildest d
In 12 Rules for Life, Peterson argues that there is a right and wrong way to conduct your life. In contrast, he rejects the ambiguity of moral relativism, the idea that good and evil are subjective opinion and that every belief has its own truth. Moral relativism tolerates all ideas to ...
之前有整理好Jordan Peterson的12 rules for life第二条,“对待自己就像你有责任在照顾别人一样。” 起因是今天得知某人失眠很久但是一直没有去看医生或者寻求帮助,让我有点诧异,(虽然我自己有时候也这样。)总之就想到了JP的这一条,发出来好了。整理的是JP的一次演讲中关于这一条的内容。粗糙听译。
In12 Rules For Life, Jordan Peterson weaves together personal anecdotes, intellectual history, and religious imagery into a truly unique book that explores how to live a life full of meaning and purpose. This book broadly discusses individual responsibility, discipline, freedom and adventure in ways...
and I’ve had him on the show before. Check out episode number 335 if you haven’t heard it yet. Peterson is a psychoanalyst and lecturer, and he’s got a new book out called 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. Today on the show, Dr Peterson and I discuss why men have bee...
Fantastic, it’s everything you expect from Peterson and more. Billed as a “self-help” style book, it beautifully interweaves history, religion, science, and philosophy into a highly pragmatic book on how to be a fulfilled, successful, better human being.Podcast...