Explore and buy the Jordan Brand x Travis Scott 'Cactus Jack Collection'. Stay a step ahead of the latest sneaker launches and drops.
The collection itself features items influenced by Jordan Brand's heritage of greatness and Scott's own unique sense of creative expression. A stylised graphic of signature Cactus Jack branding is superimposed over MJ's likeness on one stand-out T-shirt. Highlighted by embroidered cactus detailing,...
The collection itself features items influenced by Jordan Brand's heritage of greatness and Scott's own unique sense of creative expression. A stylised graphic of signature Cactus Jack branding is superimposed over MJ's likeness on one stand-out T-shirt. Highlighted by embroidered cactus detailing,...
Explore and buy the Jordan Brand x Travis Scott 'Cactus Jack Collection'. Stay a step ahead of the latest sneaker launches and drops.
風格獨具的 Cactus Jack 品牌標誌簽名,呼應 MJ 品牌的一款吸睛 T 恤。兩件工作運動褲採用顯眼刺繡 Cactus 設計細節,以輕量耐穿的純棉防撕裂材質製成,搭配實用且具有高科技質感的口袋。此系列的套頭衫、短褲與上衣以水洗彈性針織材質製成,觸感宛如麂皮,並搭配有質感的刺繡圖案。這款風格混合了深具巧思的簡單性、...
说唱歌手Travis Scott与Jordan联名的Air Jordan 4 “Cactus Jack”,报道称该配色总共只会发售13000双左右。 篮球大图 在这里, 看见篮球 空· 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。 Notice: The content above (including the pictures and ...
👀👀Air Jordan 4 “Cactus Jack”📦开箱 L球鞋客的秒拍视频 小窗口 û收藏 2 3 ñ22 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...体育博主 Ü 简介: 鞋客大叔 更多a 微关系 他的关注(1536) 第一财经日报 老汤哥Tango 央视新闻 昵称...
Air Jordan 6 "Cactus Jack" - How To Style Like Travis Scott http://t.cn/Ai17j3hB
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曝光已久的Travis Scott x Air Jordan 4“Cactus Jack”联名设计,终于迎来发售。这双Air Jordan 4最特别之处在于选用了浅蓝色作为鞋身主调,两侧黑色支架与后跟上更以泼墨呼应,与红色内里和气垫形成对比,此外左后跟及吊牌上的“Cactus Jack”字样则用于呼应Travis的个人厂牌,不失为一双细节满满的Air Jordan佳作。